☉ 11295901:Examining the influence of early life socioeconomic position on pulmonary function across the life span: where do we go from here?
☉ 11295902:Smoking, cadmium, and emphysema
☉ 11295903:Virtual bronchoscopy and 3D spiral CT reconstructions in the management of kyphosis induced tracheal compression
☉ 11295904:A breath of fresh air? Report of the 2003 British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting
☉ 11295905:Bioterrorism: the lung under attack
☉ 11295906:Role of lopinavir/ritonavir in the treatment of SARS: initial virological and clinical findings
☉ 11295907:Impairment of ? chemokine and cytokine production in patients with HIV related Pneumocystis jerovici pneumonia
☉ 11295908:Association between air pollution exposure and exhaled nitric oxide in an elderly population
☉ 11295909:Association between self-reported childhood socioeconomic position and adult lung function: findings from the British Women’s Heart and Heal
☉ 11295910:Urinary cadmium levels predict lower lung function in current and former smokers: data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examinat
☉ 11295911:Screening for lung cancer using low dose CT scanning
☉ 11295912:Regional chest wall volumes during exercise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
☉ 11295913:Retinoic acid fails to reverse emphysema in adult mouse models
☉ 11295914:Attenuation of bleomycin induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice using the heme oxygenase inhibitor Zn-deuteroporphyrin IX-2,4-bisethylene glycol
☉ 11295915:Cough · 5: The type 1 vanilloid receptor: a sensory receptor for cough
☉ 11295916:Long term clinical outcome of home and hospital intravenous antibiotic treatment in adults with cystic fibrosis
☉ 11295917:Neutrophil apoptosis, proinflammatory mediators and cell counts in bronchiectasis
☉ 11295918:Respiratory medical societies and the threat of bioterrorism
☉ 11295919:Antitrypsin deficiency · 2: Genetic aspects of 1-antitrypsin deficiency: phenotypes and genetic modifiers of emphysema risk
☉ 11295920:Predictors of therapy resistant asthma
☉ 11295921:Bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis and related respiratory complications in a patient with West Nile virus infection
☉ 11295922:医科大学生预防艾滋病相关行为及其依恋模式的相关性研究
☉ 11295923:Are obese children at risk of sleep disordered breathing?
☉ 11295924:FENO as a diagnostic tool in paediatric asthma
☉ 11295925:浙江某地中学生艾滋病健康教育效果评价
☉ 11295926:Interferon gamma therapy and pulmonary fibrosis
☉ 11295927:深圳市实验学校小学生龋病防治效果评价
☉ 11295928:综合性大学开设《院前急救医学》的可行性研究
☉ 11295929:Antiretroviral therapy improves outcome of HIV infected adults with TB
☉ 11295930:7~15岁体重正常儿童身体成分变化分析
☉ 11295931:保定市高校教师工作倦怠及其影响因素分析
☉ 11295932:《大学生体质健康标准》的实施与评价分析
☉ 11295933:高原地区撒拉族与汉族中小学女生体质状况比较分析
☉ 11295934:丽水城区学龄前儿童体格发育与健康状况评价
☉ 11295935:超重及单纯性肥胖儿童81名生长发育及饮食现况分析
☉ 11295936:南宁市2000~2004年高考学生健康状况分析
☉ 11295937:张敏兰,汪德梅,盛立萍,覃玲,何艳丽,郭灿
☉ 11295938:湖南侗族青少年身高坐高发育状况分析
☉ 11295939:绍兴市学龄前儿童健康状况分析
☉ 11295940:太原市2005年中小学生生长发育现状分析
☉ 11295941:视力低下小学生102名眼屈光状态分析
☉ 11295942:唐山市中小学生视力及保护行为调查
☉ 11295943:土家族苗族城镇中小学生体表面积对比分析
☉ 11295944:开拓我国儿童早期发育与终生健康关系的出生队列研究
☉ 11295945:庆大霉素致过敏反应3例分析
☉ 11295946:消风散治疗急性荨麻疹疗效分析
☉ 11295947:医用纯酒精注射治疗鸡眼200只疗效分析
☉ 11295948:杭州市中学生心理压力影响因素分析
☉ 11295949:大学生自我改变期望的心理学研究
☉ 11295950:21名医学专科肥胖学生心理健康状况

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