☉ 11304601:Matrix Metalloproteinase-13/Collagenase-3 Deletion Promotes Collagen Accumulation and Organization in Mouse Atherosclerotic Plaques
☉ 11304602:A Candidate Vaccine for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
☉ 11304603:Ethnicity and Peripheral Arterial Disease
☉ 11304604:Circulating Tumor Cells in Metastatic Breast Cancer — Toward Individualized Treatment?
☉ 11304605:Randomized Comparison of Stentless Versus Stented Valves for Aortic Stenosis
☉ 11304606:Finding Needles in Haystacks — IRF6 Gene Variants in Isolated Cleft Lip or Cleft Palate
☉ 11304607:Reduced Mitochondrial Oxidative Capacity and Increased Mitochondrial Uncoupling Impair Myocardial Energetics in Obesity
☉ 11304608:The Safety and Availability of Blood and Tissues — Progress and Challenges
☉ 11304609:Nox1 Is Involved in Angiotensin II–Mediated Hypertension
☉ 11304610:Enhanced Plasma Levels of LIGHT in Unstable Angina
☉ 11304611:Female Development — All by Default?
☉ 11304612:Nox1 Overexpression Potentiates Angiotensin II-Induced Hypertension and Vascular Smooth Muscle Hypertrophy in Transgenic Mice
☉ 11304613:The Changing Faces of Children with Cleft Lip and Palate
☉ 11304614:Selective Activation of Inflammatory Pathways by Intermittent Hypoxia in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
☉ 11304615:Viral Entry Denied
☉ 11304616:Sustained Whole-Body Functional Rescue in Congestive Heart Failure and Muscular Dystrophy Hamsters by Systemic Gene Transfer
☉ 11304617:Sildenafil Inhibits -Adrenergic–Stimulated Cardiac Contractility in Humans
☉ 11304618:Antiretroviral Medications — From Thailand to Africa
☉ 11304619:Mortality After Acute Myocardial Infarction in Hospitals That Disproportionately Treat Black Patients
☉ 11304620:Relation Between Serum Phosphate Level and Cardiovascular Event Rate in People With Coronary Disease
☉ 11304621:After Bangkok — Expanding the Global Response to AIDS
☉ 11304622:Hybrid Approaches to Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms
☉ 11304623:Diagnosing Genocide — The Case of Darfur
☉ 11304624:Decreased Microvascular Nitric Oxide–Dependent Vasodilation in Postural Tachycardia Syndrome
☉ 11304625:Case 26-2004 — A 56-Year-Old Woman with Cough and a Lung Nodule
☉ 11304626:Phenotypic Variability and Unusual Clinical Severity of Congenital Long-QT Syndrome in a Founder Population
☉ 11304627:Global Dynamic Coupling of Activation and Repolarization in the Human Ventricle
☉ 11304628:Rotationplasty for Ewing's Sarcoma of the Distal Femur
☉ 11304629:Possible Role of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the Pathogenesis of Coronary Artery Disease
☉ 11304630:VIPoma
☉ 11304631:Abnormal Uterine Doppler Is Related to Vasculopathy in Pregestational Diabetes Mellitus
☉ 11304632:Molecular Basis of Arrhythmias
☉ 11304633:Role of Nitric Oxide in Mediating In Vivo Vascular Responses to Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide in Essential and Peripheral Circulations in
☉ 11304634:Hookworm Infection
☉ 11304635:Delayed Arteriogenesis in Hypercholesterolemic Mice
☉ 11304636:A WNT4 Mutation Associated with Müllerian-Duct Regression and Virilization in a 46,XX Woman
☉ 11304637:Circulating Tumor Cells, Disease Progression, and Survival in Metastatic Breast Cancer
☉ 11304638:Endogenous Vascular Hydrogen Peroxide Regulates Arteriolar Tension In Vivo
☉ 11304639:Interferon Regulatory Factor 6 (IRF6) Gene Variants and the Risk of Isolated Cleft Lip or Palate
☉ 11304640:Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Gene Therapy Increases Survival, Promotes Lung Angiogenesis, and Prevents Alveolar Damage in Hyperoxia-In
☉ 11304641:Occult Cardiac Contractile Dysfunction in Dystrophin-Deficient Children Revealed by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Strain Imaging
☉ 11304642:Clinical Features, Management, and Outcome of Children With Fetal and Postnatal Diagnoses of Isomerism Syndromes
☉ 11304643:Detection of HIV-1 and HCV Infections among Antibody-Negative Blood Donors by Nucleic Acid–Amplification Testing
☉ 11304644:Immunoglobulin M-to-Immunoglobulin G Anti-Human Leukocyte Antigen Class II Antibody Switching in Cardiac Transplant Recipients Is Associated
☉ 11304645:Probability of Viremia with HBV, HCV, HIV, and HTLV among Tissue Donors in the United States
☉ 11304646:Ability of Serum to Decrease Cellular AcylCoA:Cholesterol Acyl Transferase Activity Predicts Cardiovascular Outcomes
☉ 11304647:Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Is Required for Coronary Collateral Growth in the Rat
☉ 11304648:Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
☉ 11304649:The Rights of Patients: The Authoritative ACLU Guide to the Rights of Patients
☉ 11304650:Intensive versus Moderate Lipid Lowering with Statins after Acute Coronary Syndromes

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