☉ 11343651:Practice based education to improve delivery systems for prevention in primary care: randomised trial
☉ 11343652:What's new this month in BMJ Journals
☉ 11343653:Acute stroke units and early CT scans are linked to lower in-hospital mortality rates
☉ 11343654:Prevalence of asthma and allergy in schoolchildren in Belmont, Australia: three cross sectional surveys over 20 years
☉ 11343655:Variations and increase in use of statins across Europe: data from administrative databases
☉ 11343656:Patients' preferences for the management of non-metastatic prostate cancer: discrete choice experiment
☉ 11343657:Evolution of class switching
☉ 11343658:Should surgeons take a break after an intraoperative death? Attitude survey and outcome evaluation
☉ 11343659:Blocking acid, boosting T cells
☉ 11343660:Modifying Aire
☉ 11343661:Retrospective cohort study of false alarm rates associated with a series of heart operations: the case for hospital mortality monitoring gro
☉ 11343662:Benefits and harms associated with hormone replacement therapy: clinical decision analysis
☉ 11343663:Gulf war syndrome case collapses
☉ 11343664:Payments for operations will be standardised
☉ 11343665:Photo diagnosis can cut waiting times for dermatology
☉ 11343666:South African health service must strengthen infection control measures
☉ 11343667:Germany's new charging system has mixed results
☉ 11343668:Cigarette packs to feature graphic images
☉ 11343669:Government should increase benefit levels to allow healthy living, says trust
☉ 11343670:Cochrane proposes further limits on commercial funding
☉ 11343671:Of Interest in the JCB
☉ 11343672:Mortality from avian flu is higher than in previous outbreak
☉ 11343673:Of Interest in the JCB
☉ 11343674:Of Interest in the JCB
☉ 11343675:CORRECTION
☉ 11343676:Scientists have uncovered the structure of 1918 flu virus
☉ 11343677:Type I interferons act directly on CD8 T cells to allow clonal expansion and memory formation in response to viral infection
☉ 11343678:Protein phosphatase subunit G5PR is needed for inhibition of B cell receptor–induced apoptosis
☉ 11343679:Report accuses NHS of institutional racism
☉ 11343680:Unexpected prolonged presentation of influenza antigens promotes CD4 T cell memory generation
☉ 11343681:Follow up for childhood cancer survivors needs clarification
☉ 11343682:Adhesive mechanisms governing interferon-producing cell recruitment into lymph nodes
☉ 11343683:Broadly targeted human cytomegalovirus-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells dominate the memory compartments of exposed subjects
☉ 11343684:South African doctors march in protest
☉ 11343685:MT1-matrix metalloproteinase directs arterial wall invasion and neointima formation by vascular smooth muscle cells
☉ 11343686:Controversial disease dropped from Prozac product information
☉ 11343687:A severe defect in CRAC Ca2+ channel activation and altered K+ channel gating in T cells from immunodeficient patients
☉ 11343688:Repression of SPI2 transcription by nitric oxide-producing, IFN-activated macrophages promotes maturation of Salmonella phagosomes
☉ 11343689:Increase in autism is due to changes in diagnosis, study claims
☉ 11343690:Smoking is causing impotence, miscarriages, and infertility
☉ 11343691:In brief
☉ 11343692:Reid reduces targets for NHS
☉ 11343693:Government task force needed to tackle obesity
☉ 11343694:Cure is better than prevention
☉ 11343695:MCP-1 overexpressed in tuberous sclerosis lesions acts as a paracrine factor for tumor development
☉ 11343696:IL-18 with IL-2 protects against Strongyloides venezuelensis infection by activating mucosal mast cell–dependent type 2 innate immunity
☉ 11343697:Older people and the "patient centred" NHS
☉ 11343698:A novel glyco-conjugate vaccine against fungal pathogens
☉ 11343699:Older people and the "patient centred" NHS
☉ 11343700:Osteoclast differentiation independent of the TRANCE–RANK–TRAF6 axis

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