☉ 11342151:微创切口阑尾切除术200例分析
☉ 11342152:外科颈部创伤处理特点
☉ 11342153:食管床全胃移植颈部食管胃吻合术治疗中下段食管癌(附21例报告)
☉ 11342154:空心钉治疗新鲜股骨颈骨折
☉ 11342155:胫骨Pilon骨折的手术治疗
☉ 11342156:经腹腔镜胆囊切除术并发症的治疗体会
☉ 11342157:高血压脑出血破入脑室外科治疗50例分析
☉ 11342158:高渗葡萄糖治疗外伤性液气胸体会
☉ 11342159:大面积头皮缺损伴颅骨外露的修复
☉ 11342160:多囊肾的外科治疗
☉ 11342161:脾破裂延误治疗死亡1例
☉ 11342162:胸椎单发性骨髓瘤误诊椎体结核1例
☉ 11342163:胃癌切除术后并发急性坏疽性胆囊炎1例
☉ 11342164:畸形阑尾致小肠绞窄1例
☉ 11342165:阑尾切除术后切口粪石残留1例
☉ 11342166:肝吸虫致阻塞性黄疸术后并发重症胰腺炎1例
☉ 11342167:Active Listening for Spatial Orientation in a Complex Auditory Scene
☉ 11342168:Migratory Restlessness in an Equatorial Nonmigratory Bird
☉ 11342169:West Nile Virus Epidemics in North America Are Driven by Shifts in Mosquito Feeding Behavior
☉ 11342170:IAN Family Critically Regulates Survival and Development of T Lymphocytes
☉ 11342171:Inefficient Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte–Mediated Killing of HIV-1–Infected Cells In Vivo
☉ 11342172:Purified Wnt5a Protein Activates or Inhibits β-Catenin–TCF Signaling Depending on Receptor Context
☉ 11342173:Lipoprotein Genotype and Conserved Pathway for Exceptional Longevity in Humans
☉ 11342174:Functional Partitioning of Yeast Co-Expression Networks after Genome Duplication
☉ 11342175:Plasticity of the cis-Regulatory Input Function of a Gene
☉ 11342176:Retroposed Elements as Archives for the Evolutionary History of Placental Mammals
☉ 11342177:Pathways of Carbon Assimilation and Ammonia Oxidation Suggested by Environmental Genomic Analyses of Marine Crenarchaeota
☉ 11342178:BGEM: An In Situ Hybridization Database of Gene Expression in the Embryonic and Adult Mouse Nervous System
☉ 11342179:Testing Electrostatic Complementarity in Enzyme Catalysis: Hydrogen Bonding in the Ketosteroid Isomerase Oxyanion Hole
☉ 11342180:Keeping Tabs on the Women: Life Scientists in Europe
☉ 11342181:How Do Neurons Look at the World
☉ 11342182:Money for Nothing A Call for Empirical Evaluation of Biodiversity Conservation Investments
☉ 11342183:Training-Induced Plasticity of Auditory Localization in Adult Mammals
☉ 11342184:Tuning Curves, Neuronal Variability, and Sensory Coding
☉ 11342185:Offline Persistence of Memory-Related Cerebral Activity during Active Wakefulness
☉ 11342186:IAN Family Critically Regulates Survival and Development of T Lymphocytes
☉ 11342187:The Cutaneous Rabbit Illusion Affects Human Primary Sensory Cortex Somatotopically
☉ 11342188:A Map of Recent Positive Selection in the Human Genome
☉ 11342189:Glutamine-Expanded Ataxin-7 Alters TFTC/STAGA Recruitment and Chromatin Structure Leading to Photoreceptor Dysfunction
☉ 11342190:The Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Dα7 Is Required for an Escape Behavior in Drosophila
☉ 11342191:A Stress Surveillance System Based on Calcium and Nitric Oxide in Marine Diatoms
☉ 11342192:Removing the Threat of Diclofenac to Critically Endangered Asian Vultures
☉ 11342193:Complete Mitochondrial Genome and Phylogeny of Pleistocene Mammoth Mammuthus primigenius
☉ 11342194:Visual Clutter Causes High-Magnitude Errors
☉ 11342195:Insect Detection of Small Targets Moving in Visual Clutter
☉ 11342196:Gene Losses during Human Origins
☉ 11342197:p16INK4a Prevents Centrosome Dysfunction and Genomic Instability in Primary Cells
☉ 11342198:A New Description of Cellular Quiescence
☉ 11342199:Reconstructing an Ancestral Mammalian Immune Supercomplex from a Marsupial Major Histocompatibility Complex
☉ 11342200:Neuromedin U and Its Putative Drosophila Homolog hugin

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