☉ 11343851:The Incidence of Dementia in England and Wales: Findings from the Five Identical Sites of the MRC CFA Study
☉ 11343852:Discriminatory Attitudes and Practices by Health Workers toward Patients with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria
☉ 11343853:A 69-Year-Old Female with Tiredness and a Persistent Tan
☉ 11343854:Learning How Drug Companies Promote Medicines in Nepal
☉ 11343855:Dissection of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Transcriptome Using Genome-Wide cDNA Microarrays
☉ 11343856:What I've Learned from E-Patients
☉ 11343857:Human Dignity as a Criterion for Science Policy
☉ 11343858:Agricultural Antibiotics and Human Health
☉ 11343859:The “Free by 5” Campaign for Universal, Free Antiretroviral Therapy
☉ 11343860:Calorie Restriction Extends Life Span— But Which Calories
☉ 11343861:Expressing the Differences between Crohn Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
☉ 11343862:Discriminatory Attitudes and Practices by Health Workers toward Patients with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria
☉ 11343863:Achieving Gold Standards in Ethics and Human Rights in Medical Practice
☉ 11343864:Discriminatory Attitudes and Practices by Health Workers toward Patients with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria
☉ 11343865:The Discriminatory Attitudes of Health Workers against People Living with HIV
☉ 11343866:Designing Drugs for Parasitic Diseases of the Developing World
☉ 11343867:HIV in Nepal: Is the Violent Conflict Fuelling the Epidemic
☉ 11343868:The Stigma of Being HIV-Positive in Africa
☉ 11343869:Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
☉ 11343870:Minimizing Mistakes and Embracing Uncertainty
☉ 11343871:A Microchip CD4 Counting Method for HIV Monitoring in Resource-Poor Settings
☉ 11343872:Artemisinin versus Nonartemisinin Combination Therapy for Uncomplicated Malaria: Randomized Clinical Trials from Four Sites in Uganda
☉ 11343873:Lifetime Socioeconomic Position and Twins' Health: An Analysis of 308 Pairs of United States Women Twins
☉ 11343874:Analgesic Therapy in Postherpetic Neuralgia: A Quantitative Systematic Review
☉ 11343875:Appropriate Models for the Management of Infectious Diseases
☉ 11343876:Pulmonary Embolism in a Woman Taking Oral Contraceptives and Valdecoxib
☉ 11343877:The Genetics of Schizophrenia
☉ 11343878:The International Campaign to Revitalise Academic Medicine (ICRAM) considered current global instabilities and future drivers of change, and
☉ 11343879:Pathways to “Evidence-Informed” Policy and Practice: A Framework for Action
☉ 11343880:The Global Fight against the Stigma of Schizophrenia
☉ 11343881:CD4 Measurements in Patients with HIV: Are They Feasible for Poor Settings
☉ 11343882:Visceral Leishmaniasis: New Health Tools Are Needed
☉ 11343883:Global Health Challenges: The Need for an Expanded Discourse on Bioethics
☉ 11343884:What Can We Learn from Medical Whistleblowers
☉ 11343885:What Are the Roles and Responsibilities of the Media in Disseminating Health Information
☉ 11343886:Why PLoS Sponsored a Roundtable of Medical Whistleblowers
☉ 11343887:Call for Biohistory Guidelines
☉ 11343888:Authors' Reply
☉ 11343889:The Debate over Placebo-Controlled Trials
☉ 11343890:Authors' Reply
☉ 11343891:Allocating Antiretrovirals in South Africa: Using Modeling to Determine Treatment Equity
☉ 11343892:Authors' Reply: Teaching Health Workers Malaria Diagnosis
☉ 11343893:Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment: One Size Does Not Fit All
☉ 11343894:Derivation of Multipotent Mesenchymal Precursors from Human Embryonic Stem Cells
☉ 11343895:Development of a New Vaccine for the Prevention of Lassa Fever
☉ 11343896:Medical Decision Making: The Family–Doctor–Patient Triad
☉ 11343897:Tinnitus Perception and Distress Is Related to Abnormal Spontaneous Brain Activity as Measured by Magnetoencephalography
☉ 11343898:Smoking Cessation and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: Results from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
☉ 11343899:High Risk of Unexpected Late Fetal Death in Monochorionic Twins Despite Intensive Ultrasound Surveillance: A Cohort Study
☉ 11343900:Intention to Lose Weight, Weight Changes, and 18-y Mortality in Overweight Individuals without Co-Morbidities

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