☉ 11354151:Newly diagnosed hypothyroidism
☉ 11354152:Socioeconomic inequalities in indicator scores for diabetes: poor quality or poor measures?
☉ 11354153:Association of deprivation, ethnicity, and sex with quality indicators for diabetes: population based survey of 53 000 patients in primary c
☉ 11354154:Fatal exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis associated fibrosing alveolitis in patients given infliximab
☉ 11354155:Reasons for considering leaving UK medicine: questionnaire study of junior doctors' comments
☉ 11354156:Population based randomised controlled trial on impact of screening on mortality from abdominal aortic aneurysm
☉ 11354157:Journal calls for new system to monitor post-marketing drug safety
☉ 11354158:Advisory group to review NHS research ethics committees
☉ 11354159:NICE issues guideline to prevent falls in elderly people
☉ 11354160:Users of SSRIs face risk of abnormal bleeding
☉ 11354161:UN delays decision on human cloning
☉ 11354162:Antibiotic halves number of AIDS related deaths in children in Zambian study
☉ 11354163:UK report warns of continued increase in HIV infection
☉ 11354164:Moving 15% of procedures to private sector will wreck NHS
☉ 11354165:Mexico summit calls for greater commitment to health research
☉ 11354166:Inquiry finds that Gulf war veterans face extra burden of disease
☉ 11354167:Patients with head or neck cancer should be treated at specialist centres
☉ 11354168:Review of child care cases finds few instances that raise "serious doubt"
☉ 11354169:Government programmes driven by politics not evidence, report says
☉ 11354170:Landmine casualties are falling, but the wounded need more help
☉ 11354171:Drug industry is not tackling threats to public health, says WHO
☉ 11354172:Six GPs who signed cremation forms for Shipman face GMC
☉ 11354173:Women are increasingly affected by AIDS epidemic, report shows
☉ 11354174:Public interest group accuses FDA of trying to discredit whistleblower
☉ 11354175:Drug maker urges group to lobby FDA on testosterone for women
☉ 11354176:US pro-choice groups prepare for fight over Supreme Court nominee
☉ 11354177:TV programme raises fresh allegations about MMR doctor
☉ 11354178:In brief
☉ 11354179:FDA is incapable of protecting US "against another Vioxx"
☉ 11354180:Making sense of rising caesarean section rates
☉ 11354181:Making sense of rising caesarean section rates
☉ 11354182:Making sense of rising caesarean section rates
☉ 11354183:Making sense of rising caesarean section rates
☉ 11354184:Headline about basal cell carcinoma was misleading
☉ 11354185:National service framework for children
☉ 11354186:National service framework for children
☉ 11354187:How to deal with influenza
☉ 11354188:How to deal with influenza
☉ 11354189:How to deal with influenza
☉ 11354190:Promoting walking and cycling as an alternative to using cars
☉ 11354191:Promoting walking and cycling as an alternative to using cars
☉ 11354192:Promoting walking and cycling as an alternative to using cars
☉ 11354193:Promoting walking and cycling as an alternative to using cars
☉ 11354194:Community pulmonary rehabilitation after hospitalisation for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: randomised contro
☉ 11354195:Is economic evaluation in touch with society's health values?
☉ 11354196:Overcoming apathy in research on organophosphate poisoning
☉ 11354197:Feeding the preterm infant
☉ 11354198:Gastric rupture associated with use of the laryngeal mask airway during cardiopulmonary resuscitation
☉ 11354199:The orthopaedic approach to managing osteoarthritis of the knee
☉ 11354200:Acupuncture as a complementary therapy to the pharmacological treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: randomised controlled trial

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页面最后生成日期:2007-2-3 14:11:09