☉ 11355001:Psychosocial outcomes at 18 months after good neurological recovery from aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
☉ 11355002:Neuropsychological profile of young adults with spina bifida with or without hydrocephalus
☉ 11355003:Increased intrathecal inflammatory activity in frontotemporal dementia: pathophysiological implications
☉ 11355004:Increased intrathecal inflammatory activity in frontotemporal dementia: pathophysiological implications
☉ 11355005:Premorbid cognitive testing predicts the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease better than and independently of APOE genotype
☉ 11355006:Dietary niacin and the risk of incident Alzheimer’s disease and of cognitive decline
☉ 11355007:Cortical reorganisation in patients with MS
☉ 11355008:Recommended diagnostic criteria for paraneoplastic neurological syndromes
☉ 11355009:Value of serum prolactin in the management of syncope
☉ 11355010:Neurosyphilis with complex partial status epilepticus and mesiotemporal MRI abnormalities mimicking herpes simplex encephalitis
☉ 11355011:The Kinnier Wilson library in Edinburgh
☉ 11355012:Primary lateral sclerosis and Pierre Marie
☉ 11355013:Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the British Neuropsychiatry Association at the Institute of Child Health, London, 26–27 February 2004
☉ 11355014:Vascular cognitive impairment: preventable dementia
☉ 11355015:Fetal and neonatal brain injury: mechanisms, management and the risks of practice
☉ 11355016:Spontaneous retinal venous pulsations can be present with a swollen optic disc
☉ 11355017:The aetiology of flaccid paralysis in West Nile virus infection
☉ 11355018:Short term benefit of battery depletion in vagus nerve stimulation for epilepsy
☉ 11355019:Pre-treatment with corticosteroids and a single cycle of high dose albendazole for subarachnoidal cysticercosis
☉ 11355020:Coincidence of a large SCA12 repeat allele with a case of Creutzfeld-Jacob disease
☉ 11355021:Organophosphate poisoning case with atypical clinical survey and magnetic resonance imaging findings
☉ 11355022:DNA end labelling (TUNEL) in a 3 year old girl with Leigh syndrome and prevalent cortical involvement
☉ 11355023:Detection of cerebral perfusion abnormalities in acute stroke using phase inversion harmonic imaging (PIHI): preliminary results
☉ 11355024:Probable multiple system atrophy in a German family
☉ 11355025:Pseudobulbar crying induced by stimulation in the region of the subthalamic nucleus
☉ 11355026:Sporadic inclusion body myositis: morphology, regeneration, and cytoskeletal structure of muscle fibres
☉ 11355027:A dystonic syndrome associated with anti-basal ganglia antibodies
☉ 11355028:Is variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in young children misdiagnosed as Alpers’ syndrome? An analysis of a national surveillance study
☉ 11355029:Wilson’s disease: diagnostic errors and clinical implications
☉ 11355030:Motor overflow in Huntington’s disease
☉ 11355031:Number processing in temporal lobe epilepsy
☉ 11355032:Evolution of MRI changes and development of bilateral hippocampal sclerosis during long lasting generalised status epilepticus
☉ 11355033:Baylor neurology case of the month:
☉ 11355034:Dura-arachnoid lesions produced by 22 gauge Quincke spinal needles during a lumbar puncture
☉ 11355035:Correlation between clinical characteristics and proliferative activity in patients with craniopharyngioma
☉ 11355036:Quantified measurement of activity provides insight into motor function and recovery in neurological disease
☉ 11355037:Localising and lateralising value of ictal piloerection
☉ 11355038:Clinical features and long term outcome of epilepsy in periventricular nodular heterotopia. Simple compared with plus forms
☉ 11355039:Does the method of treatment of acutely ruptured intracranial aneurysms influence the incidence and duration of cerebral vasospasm and clini
☉ 11355040:Long term visual and neurological prognosis in patients with treated and untreated cavernous sinus aneurysms
☉ 11355041:Clinical and radiological predictors of recanalisation and outcome of 40 patients with acute basilar artery occlusion treated with intra-art
☉ 11355042:Pneumonia in acute stroke patients fed by nasogastric tube
☉ 11355043:Elective stenting for symptomatic middle cerebral artery stenosis presenting as transient ischaemic deficits or stroke attacks: short term a
☉ 11355044:Altered cerebellar functional connectivity mediates potential adaptive plasticity in patients with multiple sclerosis
☉ 11355045:Long term effects of bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation on cognitive function, mood, and behaviour in Parkinson’s disease
☉ 11355046:Risk and protective effects of the APOE gene towards Alzheimer’s disease in the Kungsholmen project: variation by age and sex
☉ 11355047:White matter hyperintensities are significantly associated with cortical atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease
☉ 11355048:Monitoring and interpretation of intracranial pressure
☉ 11355049:Clinical and radiological predictors of recanalisation: time to define a rapid scoring system
☉ 11355050:The international classification of headache disorders, 2nd edn (ICDH-II)

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