☉ 11373301:Hiding telomerase from chromatin
☉ 11373302:SynCAM and sidekick synchronize synapse synthesis
☉ 11373303:Promiscuous Ras turns on the wrong partner
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☉ 11373305:Myosin 1c and myosin IIB serve opposing roles in lamellipodial dynamic
☉ 11373306:Tetrahymena thermophila contains a conventional -tubulin that is diffe
☉ 11373307:Functional role of -tubulin in the assembly of the centriolar microtub
☉ 11373308:Stand up and take hold
☉ 11373309:Phosphorylation and an ATP-dependent process increase the dynamic exch
☉ 11373310:Abstract
☉ 11373311:CD40, an extracellular receptor for binding and uptake of Hsp70–peptid
☉ 11373312:De novo formation of centrosomes in vertebrate cells arrested during S
☉ 11373313:p21-activated kinase 4 interacts with integrin vand regulates v5-media
☉ 11373314:A combination of three distinct trafficking signals mediates axonal ta
☉ 11373315:T cell receptor ligation induces the formation of dynamically regulate
☉ 11373316:Selective internalization of sodium channels in rat dorsal root gangli
☉ 11373317:Everyone needs a home
☉ 11373318:Cytosolic free Ca2+ changes and calpain activation are required for ?
☉ 11373319:Big proteins Ran into import difficulties
☉ 11373320:Calcium increases the appetite
☉ 11373321:TGF receptor internalization into EEA1-enriched early endosomes : role
☉ 11373322:Actin turnover is required to prevent axon retraction driven by endoge
☉ 11373323:Adenovirus takes the back door
☉ 11373324:Old and unattracted
☉ 11373325:Electrical healing
☉ 11373326:A GAP in COPI vesicle formation is filled
☉ 11373327:Neutrophils choose the right direction
☉ 11373328:MAL2, a novel raft protein of the MAL family, is an essential componen
☉ 11373329:The yeast DHHC cysteine-rich domain protein Akr1p is a palmitoyl trans
☉ 11373330:Nogo-A expressed in Schwann cells impairs axonal regeneration after pe
☉ 11373331:Cajal bodies and coilin—moving towards function
☉ 11373332:The real role of reelin
☉ 11373333:MS as a disease of immaturity
☉ 11373334:Myogenic specification of side population cells in skeletal muscle
☉ 11373335:Gab1 and SHP-2 promote Ras/MAPK regulation of epidermal growth and dif
☉ 11373336:Influence of cargo size on Ran and energy requirements for nuclear pro
☉ 11373337:ARFGAP1 promotes the formation of COPI vesicles, suggesting function a
☉ 11373338:An intracellular signaling hierarchy determines direction of migration
☉ 11373339:Calcium-regulated exocytosis of dense-core vesicles requires the activ
☉ 11373340:Both midzone and astral microtubules are involved in the delivery of c
☉ 11373341:DAP-kinase induces apoptosis by suppressing integrin activity and disr
☉ 11373342:TGF induces GDNF responsiveness in neurons by recruitment of GFR1 to t
☉ 11373343:The LIM-only protein FHL2 interacts with ?-catenin and promotes differ
☉ 11373344:Insulin receptor substrate-2 maintains predominance of anabolic functi
☉ 11373345:Bone morphogenetic protein and retinoic acid signaling cooperate to in
☉ 11373346:Chromosomal cliques
☉ 11373347:Building the pore
☉ 11373348:Initiate then elongate
☉ 11373349:Crystal structure of the TSP-1 type 1 repeats : a novel layered fold a
☉ 11373350:A motor for neurofilaments

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