☉ 11371151:PlantGDB, plant genome database and analysis tools
☉ 11371152:MIPS Arabidopsis thaliana Database (MAtDB): an integrated biological k
☉ 11371153:AthaMap: an online resource for in silico transcription factor binding
☉ 11371154:BGI-RIS: an integrated information resource and comparative analysis w
☉ 11371155:The Rice PIPELINE: a unification tool for plant functional genomics
☉ 11371156:PDE5 says NO to cGMP
☉ 11371157:Phosphorylation cycles on vesicles
☉ 11371158:The other side of kinetochore fibers
☉ 11371159:Rice Proteome Database based on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel ele
☉ 11371160:Life on a bed of needles
☉ 11371161:Ran sticks a GEF to chromatin
☉ 11371162:A protease inhibitor unsticks cells
☉ 11371163:Linking spindle to furrow
☉ 11371164:Exocytosis in action
☉ 11371165:Polarity feeds back
☉ 11371166:Minus-end capture of preformed kinetochore fibers contributes to spind
☉ 11371167:A mechanism of coupling RCC1 mobility to RanGTP production on the chro
☉ 11371168:Exocytosis in action
☉ 11371169:Tyrosine-phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated isoforms of -dystrobrevi
☉ 11371170:Chromosome order in HeLa cells changes during mitosis and early G1, bu
☉ 11371171:Regulation of cytochrome c oxidase activity by c-Src in osteoclasts
☉ 11371172:Direct activation of PDE5 by cGMP : long-term effects within NO/cGMP s
☉ 11371173:Meiotic cohesin REC8 marks the axial elements of rat synaptonemal comp
☉ 11371174:Integrin 2?1 mediates outside-in regulation of platelet spreading on c
☉ 11371175:Differential regulation of cell motility and invasion by FAK
☉ 11371176:MaizeGDB, the community database for maize genetics and genomics
☉ 11371177:Direct activation of PDE5 by cGMP : long-term effects within NO/cGMP s
☉ 11371178:Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 detaches cells from extracellular ma
☉ 11371179:WormBase: a multi-species resource for nematode biology and genomics
☉ 11371180:RNAiDB and PhenoBlast: web tools for genome-wide phenotypic mapping pr
☉ 11371181:CADRE: the Central Aspergillus Data REpository
☉ 11371182:SGMD: the Soybean Genomics and Microarray Database
☉ 11371183:Flytrap, a database documenting a GFP protein-trap insertion screen in
☉ 11371184:NEMBASE: a resource for parasitic nematode ESTs
☉ a tool for navigating sequences from parasitic and free-
☉ 11371186:AppaDB: an AcedB database for the nematode satellite organism Pristion
☉ 11371187:IntEnz, the integrated relational enzyme database
☉ 11371188:BRENDA, the enzyme database: updates and major new developments
☉ 11371189:The Database of Interacting Proteins: 2004 update
☉ 11371190:The aMAZE LightBench: a web interface to a relational database of cell
☉ 11371191:MetaCyc: a multiorganism database of metabolic pathways and enzymes
☉ 11371192:MitoProteome: mitochondrial protein sequence database and annotation s
☉ 11371193:MitoP2, an integrated database on mitochondrial proteins in yeast and
☉ 11371194:STCDB: Signal Transduction Classification Database
☉ 11371195:IntAct: an open source molecular interaction database
☉ 11371196:The Mouse Genome Database (MGD): integrating biology with the genome
☉ 11371197:FREP: a database of functional repeats in mouse cDNAs
☉ 11371198:Ensembl 2004
☉ 11371199:AluGene: a database of Alu elements incorporated within protein-coding
☉ 11371200:PEDE (Pig EST Data Explorer): construction of a database for ESTs deri

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