☉ 11374351:Microtubule Interactions with the Cell Cortex Causing Nuclear Movement
☉ 11374352:Formation of Spindle Poles by Dynein/Dynactin-dependent Transport of N
☉ 11374353:Nuclear Import of the Ran Exchange Factor, RCC1, Is Mediated by at Lea
☉ 11374354:直接数字化X线摄影的采购与安装过程
☉ 11374355:Inhibition of Cytokinesis by a Lipid Metabolite, Psychosine
☉ 11374356:Mutations in ?-Spectrin Disrupt Axon Outgrowth and Sarcomere Structure
☉ 11374357:中西医结合治疗胆汁返流性胃炎疗效观察
☉ 11374358:Caenorhabditis elegans -G Spectrin Is Dispensable for Establishment of
☉ 11374359:Distinct Membrane Domains on Endosomes in the Recycling Pathway Visual
☉ 11374360:中药经皮导入治疗小儿腹泻120例疗效观察
☉ 11374361:In Brief
☉ 11374362:做好血细胞分析仪质量控制的体会
☉ 11374363:自攻螺纹钉在大面积牙体缺损治疗中的临床应用
☉ 11374364:注重脑卒中患者康复期的健康教育
☉ 11374365:The Tetraspan Molecule CD151, a Novel Constituent of Hemidesmosomes, A
☉ 11374366:A Direct Interaction of Axonin-1 with NgCAM-related Cell Adhesion Mole
☉ 11374367:PNG1, a Yeast Gene Encoding a Highly Conserved Peptide:N-glycanase
☉ 11374368:Leydig Cell Loss and Spermatogenic Arrest in Platelet-derived Growth F
☉ 11374369:Inhibition of Apoptotic Signaling Cascades Causes Loss of Trophic Fact
☉ 11374370:JIL-1, a Chromosomal Kinase Implicated in Regulation of Chromatin Stru
☉ 11374371:It's Got You Covered: NF-B in the Epidermis
☉ 11374372:Syndecan-regulated Receptor Signaling
☉ 11374373:Ges, A Human GTPase of the Rad/Gem/Kir Family, Promotes Endothelial Ce
☉ 11374374:Polyglycylation of Tubulin Is Essential and Affects Cell Motility and
☉ 11374375:ADP Ribosylation Factor-like Protein 2 (Arl2) Regulates the Interactio
☉ 11374376:Zyxin, a Regulator of Actin Filament Assembly, Targets the Mitotic App
☉ 11374377:SNAREpins Are Functionally Resistant to Disruption by NSF and SNAP
☉ 11374378:The Role of Intraorganellar Ca2+ in Late Endosome–Lysosome Heterotypic
☉ 11374379:2例典型红斑肢痛症的观察及护理
☉ 11374380:The Cysteine-rich Domain of Human ADAM 12 Supports Cell Adhesion Throu
☉ 11374381:In Brief
☉ 11374382:Tissue Plasminogen Activator–mediated Fibrinolysis Protects Against Ax
☉ 11374383:Observing FcRI Signaling from the Inside of the Mast Cell Membrane
☉ 11374384:Downregulation of 14-3-3 Prevents Clonal Evolution and Leads to Immort
☉ 11374385:The Peroxin Pex19p Interacts with Multiple, Integral Membrane Proteins
☉ 11374386:Cell Migration through Extracellular Matrix: Membrane-Type Metalloprot
☉ 11374387:2型糖尿病合并高血压患者的护理
☉ 11374388:Role of EGR1 in Hippocampal Synaptic Enhancement Induced by Tetanic St
☉ 11374389:3 386例乙肝五项检测结果的调查研究
☉ 11374390:1 089例孕妇血清单纯疱疹病毒抗体检测
☉ 11374391:Tumor Necrosis Factor Induces Hyperphosphorylation of Kinesin Light Ch
☉ 11374392:Tumor Necrosis Factor Induces Hyperphosphorylation of Kinesin Light Ch
☉ 11374393:5万例乙肝两对半ELISA检测结果分析
☉ 11374394:Relationship Between Contact Inhibition and Intranuclear S100C of Norm
☉ 11374395:Disruption of Nuclear Lamin Organization Blocks the Elongation Phase o
☉ 11374396:28例卵巢交界性黏液性囊腺瘤的临床病理分析
☉ 11374397:The Tyrosine Kinase PYK-2/RAFTK Regulates Natural Killer (NK) Cell Cyt
☉ 11374398:Cytosolic Phosphorylation of Calnexin Controls Intracellular Ca2+ Osci
☉ 11374399:46例小肝癌多排螺旋CT特征分析
☉ 11374400:31例老年肺结核临床分析

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