☉ 11371201:The Mouse SAGE Site: database of public mouse SAGE libraries
☉ 11371202:LIFEdb: a database for functional genomics experiments integrating inf
☉ 11371203:HUGE: a database for human KIAA proteins, a 2004 update integrating HU
☉ 11371204:Human protein reference database as a discovery resource for proteomic
☉ 11371205:The UCSC Table Browser data retrieval tool
☉ 11371206:Pathbase: a database of mutant mouse pathology
☉ 11371207:Building and breaking the NPC
☉ 11371208:trome, trEST and trGEN: databases of predicted protein sequences
☉ 11371209:RTCGD: retroviral tagged cancer gene database
☉ 11371210:topoSNP: a topographic database of non-synonymous single nucleotide po
☉ 11371211:HGVbase: a curated resource describing human DNA variation and phenoty
☉ 11371212:Improvements in the HbVar database of human hemoglobin variants and th
☉ 11371213:ERGDB: Estrogen Responsive Genes Database
☉ 11371214:SNP500Cancer: a public resource for sequence validation and assay deve
☉ 11371215:The Centre for Modeling Human Disease Gene Trap resource
☉ an atlas of gene expression patterns in the mouse embry
☉ 11371217:EICO (Expression-based Imprint Candidate Organizer): finding disease-r
☉ 11371218:CleanEx: a database of heterogeneous gene expression data based on a c
☉ 11371219:Mitochondria sensitive to ER Ca2+ stores
☉ 11371220:Deacetylase undoes DNA damage
☉ 11371221:GermOnline, a cross-species community knowledgebase on germ cell diffe
☉ 11371222:How old mothers can have young offspring
☉ 11371223:A boisterous histone
☉ 11371224:DNA-free division
☉ 11371225:Making stripes
☉ 11371226:Hide and seek
☉ 11371227:Calcium for strong clotting
☉ 11371228:Caspase cleavage product of BAP31 induces mitochondrial fission throug
☉ 11371229:The mouse Gene Expression Database (GXD): updates and enhancements
☉ 11371230:A perfect funeral with no corpse
☉ 11371231:Chromosomes in the ‘hood
☉ 11371232:CH-ILKBP regulates cell survival by facilitating the membrane transloc
☉ 11371233:Hembase: browser and genome portal for hematology and erythroid biolog
☉ 11371234:To be helped or not helped, that is the question
☉ 11371235:NASCArrays: a repository for microarray data generated by NASC’s trans
☉ 11371236:The Ran GTPase cycle is required for yeast nuclear pore complex assemb
☉ 11371237:Spindle assembly and cytokinesis in the absence of chromosomes during
☉ 11371238:Mid2p stabilizes septin rings during cytokinesis in fission yeast
☉ 11371239:Nuclear envelope breakdown in starfish oocytes proceeds by partial NPC
☉ 11371240:uPARAP/Endo180 is essential for cellular uptake of collagen and promot
☉ 11371241:Histone deacetylase 4 interacts with 53BP1 to mediate the DNA damage r
☉ 11371242:The PEPR GeneChip data warehouse, and implementation of a dynamic time
☉ 11371243:Dictyostelium cell death : early emergence and demise of highly polari
☉ 11371244:An essential role for hGle1 nucleocytoplasmic shuttling in mRNA export
☉ 11371245:GELBANK: a database of annotated two-dimensional gel electrophoresis p
☉ 11371246:Nuclear envelope breakdown in starfish oocytes proceeds by partial NPC
☉ 11371247:An anillin homologue, Mid2p, acts during fission yeast cytokinesis to
☉ 11371248:The Peptaibol Database: a database for sequences and structures of nat
☉ 11371249:APD: the Antimicrobial Peptide Database
☉ 11371250:ANTIMIC: a database of antimicrobial sequences

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