☉ 11372351:胃小肠结石漏诊3例
☉ 11372352:The involvement of Srs2 in post-replication repair and homologous reco
☉ 11372353:传统与改良灌肠法临床应用与观察
☉ 11372354:Two-hybrid Mpp10p interaction-defective Imp4 proteins are not interact
☉ 11372355:腹外疝患者的护理
☉ 11372356:Modified U1 snRNA suppresses expression of a targeted endogenous RNA b
☉ 11372357:Solid phase synthesis and binding affinity of peptidyl transferase tra
☉ 11372358:术后腹胀与尿潴留护理
☉ 11372359:Using pyrrolo-deoxycytosine to probe RNA/DNA hybrids containing the hu
☉ 11372360:Biochemical and random mutagenesis analysis of the region carrying the
☉ 11372361:Efficiency and pattern of UV pulse laser-induced RNA–RNA cross-linking
☉ 11372362:Myosin light chain 1 atrial isoform (MLC1A) is expressed in pre-B cell
☉ 11372363:Influence of in vitro manipulation on the stability of methylation pat
☉ 11372364:Integration of the 5' end of the retrotransposon, R2Bm, can be complem
☉ 11372365:Interaction of human and bacterial AlkB proteins with DNA as probed th
☉ 11372366:Processing of clustered DNA damage generates additional double-strand
☉ 11372367:Sequence-specific cleavage of RNA in the absence of divalent metal ion
☉ 11372368:DNA dynamically directs its own transcription initiation
☉ 11372369:Intensity-based analysis of two-colour microarrays enables efficient a
☉ 11372370:Homologous gene targeting in Caenorhabditis elegans by biolistic trans
☉ 11372371:A theophylline responsive riboswitch based on helix slipping controls
☉ 11372372:Quantitative high-throughput analysis of transcription factor binding
☉ 11372373:Straightforward detection of SNPs in double-stranded DNA by using exon
☉ 11372374:SNPWaveTM: a flexible multiplexed SNP genotyping technology
☉ 11372375:Identification and handling of artifactual gene expression profiles em
☉ 11372376:A high-throughput method to monitor the expression of microRNA precurs
☉ 11372377:A novel method for screening species-specific gDNA probes for species
☉ 11372378:RNase H2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a complex of three proteins
☉ 11372379:Transcription factor ZBP-89 is required for STAT1 constitutive express
☉ 11372380:Cbf1p modulates chromatin structure, transcription and repair at the S
☉ 11372381:Selenium derivatization and crystallization of DNA and RNA oligonucleo
☉ 11372382:Telomere-bound TRF1 and TRF2 stall the replication fork at telomeric r
☉ 11372383:RNA conformational classes
☉ 11372384:Putative involvement of the histone acetyltransferase Tip60 in ribosom
☉ 11372385:Analyses of cDNAs from growth and slug stages of Dictyostelium discoid
☉ 11372386:The maize ID1 flowering time regulator is a zinc finger protein with n
☉ 11372387:Functional interactions between alternatively spliced forms of Pax6 in
☉ 11372388:Identification of 20 microRNAs from Oryza sativa
☉ 11372389:Inhibition of hepatitis C virus IRES-mediated translation by small RNA
☉ 11372390:Chemical synthesis and translesion replication of a cis–syn cyclobutan
☉ 11372391:Bioinformatical assay of human gene morbidity
☉ 11372392:Conservation of RNA structures enables TNV and BYDV 5' and 3' elements
☉ 11372393:The 4 residues of human DNA topoisomerase II function in enzymatic act
☉ 11372394:A novel strategy for selection of allosteric ribozymes yields RiboRepo
☉ 11372395:Secondary structure and stability of the selenocysteine insertion sequ
☉ 11372396:The major form of MeCP2 has a novel N-terminus generated by alternativ
☉ 11372397:Silencer elements as possible inhibitors of pseudoexon splicing
☉ 11372398:Comparative analysis of orthologous eukaryotic mRNAs: potential hidden
☉ 11372399:The major form of MeCP2 has a novel N-terminus generated by alternativ
☉ 11372400:The CtBP2 co-repressor is regulated by NADH-dependent dimerization and

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