☉ 11367651:上海市南汇区中小学生营养状况
☉ 11367652:RNAhybrid: microRNA target prediction easy, fast and flexible
☉ 11367653:BiologicalNetworks: visualization and analysis tool for systems biolog
☉ 11367654:宁夏地区学生营养状况
☉ 11367655:jpHMM at GOBICS: a web server to detect genomic recombinations in HIV-
☉ 11367656:EGassembler: online bioinformatics service for large-scale processing,
☉ 11367657:BTW: a web server for Boltzmann time warping of gene expression time s
☉ 11367658:CAPweb: a bioinformatics CGH array Analysis Platform
☉ 11367659:BABELOMICS: a systems biology perspective in the functional annotation
☉ 11367660:综合健康干预对肥胖儿童血糖血脂水平的影响
☉ 11367661:重庆市万州区2001-2005年中小学生营养状况
☉ 11367662:天津市河西区2001-2005年中小学生营养状况
☉ 11367663:Next station in microarray data analysis: GEPAS
☉ 11367664:肥胖相关基因的多态性与肥胖的关系
☉ 11367665:荷兰阿姆斯特丹生长与健康队列研究
☉ 11367666:Arabidopsis Co-expression Tool (ACT): web server tools for microarray-
☉ 11367667:GEPS: the Gene Expression Pattern Scanner
☉ 11367668:CARMAweb: comprehensive R- and bioconductor-based web service for micr
☉ 11367669:VOMBAT: prediction of transcription factor binding sites using variabl
☉ 11367670:TFBScluster web server for the identification of mammalian composite r
☉ 11367671:Zinc Finger Tools: custom DNA-binding domains for transcription factor
☉ 11367672:JProGO: a novel tool for the functional interpretation of prokaryotic
☉ 11367673:jPREdictor: a versatile tool for the prediction of cis-regulatory elem
☉ 11367674:Composite Module Analyst: identification of transcription factor bindi
☉ 11367675:POXO: a web-enabled tool series to discover transcription factor bindi
☉ 11367676:NXSensor web tool for evaluating DNA for nucleosome exclusion sequence
☉ 11367677:Stubb: a program for discovery and analysis of cis-regulatory modules
☉ 11367678:CEAS: cis-regulatory element annotation system
☉ 11367679:PromAn: an integrated knowledge-based web server dedicated to promoter
☉ 11367680:CRSD: a comprehensive web server for composite regulatory signature di
☉ 11367681:MoD Tools: regulatory motif discovery in nucleotide sequences from co-
☉ 11367682:FeatureScan: revealing property-dependent similarity of nucleotide seq
☉ 11367683:TICO: a tool for postprocessing the predictions of prokaryotic transla
☉ 11367684:iCR: a web tool to identify conserved targets of a regulatory protein
☉ 11367685:PAL2NAL: robust conversion of protein sequence alignments into the cor
☉ 11367686:Expresso: automatic incorporation of structural information in multipl
☉ 11367687:PROTOGENE: turning amino acid alignments into bona fide CDS nucleotide
☉ 11367688:Kalign, Kalignvu and Mumsa: web servers for multiple sequence alignmen
☉ 11367689:PupaSuite: finding functional single nucleotide polymorphisms for larg
☉ 11367690:FootPrinter3: phylogenetic footprinting in partially alignable sequenc
☉ 11367691:AliWABA: alignment on the web through an A-Bruijn approach
☉ 11367692:FASTSNP: an always up-to-date and extendable service for SNP function
☉ 11367693:PDA v.2: improving the exploration and estimation of nucleotide polymo
☉ 11367694:New Onto-Tools: Promoter-Express, nsSNPCounter and Onto-Translate
☉ 11367695:SNPmasker: automatic masking of SNPs and repeats across eukaryotic gen
☉ 11367696:Applications for protein sequence–function evolution data: mRNA/protei
☉ 11367697:SNP@Domain: a web resource of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) w
☉ 11367698:PrimerStation: a highly specific multiplex genomic PCR primer design s
☉ 11367699:MutScreener: primer design tool for PCR-direct sequencing
☉ 11367700:SSRPrimer and SSR Taxonomy Tree: Biome SSR discovery

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