☉ 11369451:SNAREs drum up calcium
☉ 11369452:Conjunction of junctions goes beyond function
☉ 11369453:More than one way to skin a phagosome
☉ 11369454:Cell-to-cell transport of proteins and fluorescent tracers via plasmod
☉ 11369455:Essential role of MARCKS in cortical actin dynamics during gastrulatio
☉ 11369456:How to terminate a shmoo
☉ 11369457:EDITORIAL
☉ 11369458:How insulin signals globally and acts locally
☉ 11369459:FoxO3a regulates erythroid differentiation and induces BTG1, an activa
☉ 11369460:Protein structure prediction servers at University College London
☉ 11369461:The Diamond STING server
☉ 11369462:SOAP-based services provided by the European Bioinformatics Institute
☉ 11369463:The Bioinformatics Links Directory: a Compilation of Molecular Biology
☉ 11369464:CAMPO, SCR_FIND and CHC_FIND: a suite of web tools for computational s
☉ 11369465:RPBS: a web resource for structural bioinformatics
☉ 11369466:SPACE: a suite of tools for protein structure prediction and analysis
☉ 11369467:SCRATCH: a protein structure and structural feature prediction server
☉ 11369468:PAT: a protein analysis toolkit for integrated biocomputing on the web
☉ anthology of comparative genomic tools
☉ 11369470:Fragment Finder: a web-based software to identify similar three-dimens
☉ 11369471:ProTarget: automatic prediction of protein structure novelty
☉ 11369472:PROTINFO: new algorithms for enhanced protein structure predictions
☉ 11369473:LOCSVMPSI: a web server for subcellular localization of eukaryotic pro
☉ 11369474:WebProAnalyst: an interactive tool for analysis of quantitative struct
☉ 11369475:PISCES: recent improvements to a PDB sequence culling server
☉ 11369476:ProFunc: a server for predicting protein function from 3D structure
☉ 11369477:PhyloDome—visualization of taxonomic distributions of domains occurrin
☉ 11369478:InterProScan: protein domains identifier
☉ 11369479:AS2TS system for protein structure modeling and analysis
☉ 11369480:pdbFun: mass selection and fast comparison of annotated PDB residues
☉ 11369481:DIAL: a web-based server for the automatic identification of structura
☉ 11369482:PRODOC: a resource for the comparison of tethered protein domain archi
☉ 11369483:GRIFFIN: a system for predicting GPCR–G-protein coupling selectivity u
☉ 11369484:GPCRsclass: a web tool for the classification of amine type of G-prote
☉ 11369485:PEPVAC: a web server for multi-epitope vaccine development based on th
☉ 11369486:TMBETA-NET: discrimination and prediction of membrane spanning ?-stran
☉ 11369487:Scooby-domain: prediction of globular domains in protein sequence
☉ 11369488:BhairPred: prediction of ?-hairpins in a protein from multiple alignme
☉ 11369489:GPS: a comprehensive www server for phosphorylation sites prediction
☉ 11369490:PREDBALB/c: a system for the prediction of peptide binding to H2d mole
☉ 11369491:MULTIPRED: a computational system for prediction of promiscuous HLA bi
☉ 11369492:CEP: a conformational epitope prediction server
☉ 11369493:TRAMPLE: the transmembrane protein labelling environment
☉ 11369494:Web-based toolkits for topology prediction of transmembrane helical pr
☉ 11369495:TMB-Hunt: a web server to screen sequence sets for transmembrane ?-bar
☉ 11369496:GraBCas: a bioinformatics tool for score-based prediction of Caspase-
☉ 11369497:Pcleavage: an SVM based method for prediction of constitutive proteaso
☉ 11369498:KinasePhos: a web tool for identifying protein kinase-specific phospho
☉ 11369499:SEARCHGTr: a program for analysis of glycosyltransferases involved in
☉ 11369500:GlyProt: in silico glycosylation of proteins

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