☉ 11369601:SNPAnalyzer: a web-based integrated workbench for single-nucleotide po
☉ 11369602:Identifying synonymous regulatory elements in vertebrate genomes
☉ 11369603:WordSpy: identifying transcription factor binding motifs by building a
☉ 11369604:ARTS: a web-based tool for the set-up of high-throughput genome-wide m
☉ 11369605:SNPServer: a real-time SNP discovery tool
☉ 11369606:A novel type of silencing factor, Clr2, is necessary for transcription
☉ 11369607:PromoterPlot: a graphical display of promoter similarities by pattern
☉ 11369608:ARGO: a web system for the detection of degenerate motifs and large-sc
☉ 11369609:tRNASer(CGA) differentially regulates expression of wild-type and codo
☉ 11369610:Selectivity and affinity of triplex-forming oligonucleotides containin
☉ 11369611:The N-terminal half-domain of the long form of tRNase Z is required fo
☉ 11369612:POCO: discovery of regulatory patterns from promoters of oppositely ex
☉ 11369613:Transcriptional repression by p53 promotes a Bcl-2-insensitive and mit
☉ 11369614:Ribosome stalling and peptidyl-tRNA drop-off during translational dela
☉ 11369615:Transcription influences the types of deletion and expansion products
☉ 11369616:DNA ligases ensure fidelity by interrogating minor groove contacts
☉ 11369617:The effect of eukaryotic release factor depletion on translation termi
☉ 11369618:P-Match: transcription factor binding site search by combining pattern
☉ 11369619:How meals become bones
☉ 11369620:T-Reg Comparator: an analysis tool for the comparison of position weig
☉ 11369621:Comparative analysis of dioxin response elements in human, mouse and r
☉ 11369622:Boning up on JunB
☉ 11369623:Capping protein binding to actin in yeast : biochemical mechanism and
☉ 11369624:A primordial mover for sphingolipids
☉ 11369625:Protein splicing for immunity
☉ 11369626:The human Rad9 checkpoint protein stimulates the carbamoyl phosphate s
☉ 11369627:Yeast dies for a noble cause
☉ 11369628:Inflexibility in motion
☉ 11369629:Nudel functions in membrane traffic mainly through association with Li
☉ 11369630:Apoptotic mitochondria blow a fuse
☉ 11369631:FOOTER: a web tool for finding mammalian DNA regulatory regions using
☉ 11369632:Winding and unwinding ATP synthase
☉ 11369633:Breathe, then breed
☉ 11369634:Quantitation of mitochondrial dynamics by photolabeling of individual
☉ 11369635:Greatwall kinase : a nuclear protein required for proper chromosome co
☉ 11369636:Cells on Parade : The American Society for Cell Biology San Francisco,
☉ 11369637:Nanofibers have the right stuff
☉ 11369638:Amylin inhibits bone resorption while the calcitonin receptor controls
☉ 11369639:CONREAL web server: identification and visualization of conserved tran
☉ 11369640:A third lineage with two-piece tmRNA
☉ 11369641:Increased frequency of aberrant V(D)J recombination products in core R
☉ 11369642:Promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies associate with transcriptionally
☉ 11369643:Chronological aging leads to apoptosis in yeast
☉ 11369644:Redefining the structure of the mouse connexin43 gene: selective promo
☉ 11369645:GeneMark: web software for gene finding in prokaryotes, eukaryotes and
☉ 11369646:Bicarbonate-responsive "soluble" adenylyl cyclase defines a nuclear cA
☉ 11369647:RNA binding and R-loop formation by the herpes simplex virus type-1 si
☉ 11369648:Thioredoxin can influence gene expression by affecting gyrase activity
☉ 11369649:AMOD: a morpholino oligonucleotide selection tool
☉ 11369650:PriFi: using a multiple alignment of related sequences to find primers

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