☉ 11371801:Investigations on DNA intercalation and surface binding by SYBR Green
☉ 11371802:A universal transgene silencing method based on RNA interference
☉ 11371803:EDITORIAL
☉ 11371804:Design and in vivo characterization of self-inactivating human and non
☉ 11371805:Preparation of DNA-modified nanoparticles and preliminary study for co
☉ 11371806:BLAST: at the core of a powerful and diverse set of sequence analysis
☉ 11371807:PubCrawler: keeping up comfortably with PubMed and GenBank
☉ 11371808:The web server of IBM's Bioinformatics and Pattern Discovery group: 20
☉ 11371809:Public web-based services from the European Bioinformatics Institute
☉ 11371810:3DCoffee@igs: a web server for combining sequences and structures into
☉ 11371811:DIALIGN: multiple DNA and protein sequence alignment at BiBiServ
☉ 11371812:BLAST Filter and GraphAlign: rule-based formation and analysis of sets
☉ 11371813:WAViS server for handling, visualization and presentation of multiple
☉ 11371814:CVTree: a phylogenetic tree reconstruction tool based on whole genomes
☉ 11371815:The CHAOS/DIALIGN WWW server for multiple alignment of genomic sequenc
☉ 11371816:CRASP: a program for analysis of coordinated substitutions in multiple
☉ 11371817:MAVL and StickWRLD: visually exploring relationships in nucleic acid s
☉ 11371818:CHOP: visualization of ‘wobbling’ and isolation of highly conserved re
☉ 11371819:Consensus alignment server for reliable comparative modeling with dist
☉ 11371820:ProteMiner-SSM: a web server for efficient analysis of similar protein
☉ 11371821:InterWeaver: interaction reports for discovering potential protein int
☉ 11371822:ADVICE: Automated Detection and Validation of Interaction by Co-Evolut
☉ 11371823:ClusPro: a fully automated algorithm for protein–protein docking
☉ 11371824:WebInterViewer: visualizing and analyzing molecular interaction networ
☉ 11371825:PathBLAST: a tool for alignment of protein interaction networks
☉ 11371826:A web server for performing electronic PCR
☉ 11371827:Qgrid: clustering tool for detecting charged and hydrophobic regions i
☉ 11371828:CE-MC: a multiple protein structure alignment server
☉ 11371829:siRNA Selection Server: an automated siRNA oligonucleotide prediction
☉ 11371830:siDirect: highly effective, target-specific siRNA design software for
☉ 11371831:TROD: T7 RNAi Oligo Designer
☉ 11371832:DEQOR: a web-based tool for the design and quality control of siRNAs
☉ 11371833:ILM: a web server for predicting RNA secondary structures with pseudok
☉ 11371834:CARNAC: folding families of related RNAs
☉ 11371835:Sfold web server for statistical folding and rational design of nuclei
☉ 11371836:The ERPIN server: an interface to profile-based RNA motif identificati
☉ 11371837:Riboswitch finder—a tool for identification of riboswitch RNAs
☉ 11371838:RDfolder: a web server for prediction of RNA secondary structure
☉ 11371839:Gene2Oligo: oligonucleotide design for in vitro gene synthesis
☉ 11371840:The sequencing-based typing tool of dbMHC: typing highly polymorphic g
☉ 11371841:SNPbox: web-based high-throughput primer design from gene to genome
☉ 11371842:PDA: a pipeline to explore and estimate polymorphism in large DNA data
☉ 11371843:PromoSer: improvements to the algorithm, visualization and accessibili
☉ 11371844:RESCUE-ESE identifies candidate exonic splicing enhancers in vertebrat
☉ 11371845:ASmodeler: gene modeling of alternative splicing from genomic alignmen
☉ 11371846:A suite of web-based programs to search for transcriptional regulatory
☉ 11371847:Weeder Web: discovery of transcription factor binding sites in a set o
☉ 11371848:MSCAN: identification of functional clusters of transcription factor b
☉ 11371849:rVISTA 2.0: evolutionary analysis of transcription factor binding site
☉ 11371850:CARRIE web service: automated transcriptional regulatory network infer

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