☉ 11372851:Sticking together a signal
☉ 11372852:中医药治疗脑血管性痴呆的临床研究
☉ 11372853:中药制剂腔内灌注治疗恶性胸腔积液的进展
☉ 11372854:中药指纹图谱技术的研究现状及应用
☉ 11372855:Polo meets the APC
☉ 11372856:Let's make liver
☉ 11372857:Conditional disruption of ?1 integrin in Schwann cells impedes interac
☉ 11372858:Greater risk from radiation?
☉ 11372859:Squeezing for healing
☉ 11372860:To Rb or not to Rb
☉ 11372861:The good side of a maligned protein
☉ 11372862:Grow-your-own synapses
☉ 11372863:Numbers game
☉ 11372864:Internal Ca2+ release in yeast is triggered by hypertonic shock and me
☉ 11372865:Micro-RNAs : small is plentiful
☉ 11372866:Myelination : some receptors required
☉ 11372867:Waltz of the chromosomes
☉ 11372868:Exportin-5, a novel karyopherin, mediates nuclear export of double-str
☉ 11372869:Secretory vesicle transport velocity in living cells depends on the my
☉ 11372870:Polo boxes and Cut23 (Apc8) mediate an interaction between polo kinase
☉ 11372871:Induction of maturation-promoting factor during Xenopus oocyte maturat
☉ 11372872:A predominantly nuclear protein affecting cytoplasmic localization of
☉ 11372873:Structural requirements for localization and activation of protein kin
☉ 11372874:The carboxyl-terminal isoforms of smooth muscle myosin heavy chain det
☉ 11372875:Mechanisms through which Sos-1 coordinates the activation of Ras and R
☉ 11372876:Smitin, a novel smooth muscle titin–like protein, interacts with myosi
☉ 11372877:Characterization of Cep135, a novel coiled-coil centrosomal protein in
☉ 11372878:p38 MAP kinase negatively regulates endothelial cell survival, prolife
☉ 11372879:Fyn tyrosine kinase is a downstream mediator of Rho/PRK2 function in k
☉ 11372880:Clonal identification and characterization of self-renewing pluripoten
☉ 11372881:Activation of retinoblastoma protein in mammary gland leads to ductal
☉ 11372882:The cxc chemokine cCAF stimulates differentiation of fibroblasts into
☉ 11372883:It's a chaperone ... it's a gatekeeper ... it's BiP
☉ 11372884:Sorting out secretion
☉ 11372885:Cadherin-mediated cell sorting not determined by binding or adhesion s
☉ 11372886:A GTPase that goes both ways
☉ 11372887:Survival gets more complicated
☉ 11372888:Finding degradation at the checkpoint
☉ 11372889:Analysis of retrograde transport in motor neurons reveals common endoc
☉ 11372890:Bone abnormalities in latent TGF-? binding protein (Ltbp)-3–null mice
☉ 11372891:Cells and More Cells : The American Society for Cell Biology Washingto
☉ 11372892:A new role for BiP : closing the aqueous translocon pore during protei
☉ 11372893:Ras and TGF cooperatively regulate epithelial cell plasticity and meta
☉ 11372894:A subset of yeast vacuolar protein sorting mutants is blocked in one b
☉ 11372895:The conserved Pkh–Ypk kinase cascade is required for endocytosis in ye
☉ 11372896:Modulation of substrate adhesion dynamics via microtubule targeting re
☉ 11372897:IV-spectrin regulates sodium channel clustering through ankyrin-G at a
☉ 11372898:Conditional gene ablation of Stat3 reveals differential signaling requ
☉ 11372899:Assembly and function of AP-3 complexes in cells expressing mutant sub
☉ 11372900:Different splice variants of filamin-B affect myogenesis, subcellular

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