☉ 11385401:What's new in the other general journals
☉ 11385402:Antenatal exposure to betamethasone: psychological functioning and hea
☉ 11385403:Antenatal betamethasone and incidence of neonatal respiratory distress
☉ 11385404:The failure of antibiotics to prevent heart attacks
☉ 11385405:Dutch experience of monitoring euthanasia
☉ 11385406:Moral dimensions
☉ 11385407:Changes in BMA policy on assisted dying
☉ 11385408:Legalised euthanasia will violate the rights of vulnerable Legalised e
☉ 11385409:Time for change
☉ 11385410:Simple measures can predict death in malnourished children
☉ 11385411:Korea pushes forward on cloning front
☉ 11385412:London think tank warns of backlash over deadlines
☉ 11385413:English emergency care varies widely, commission finds
☉ 11385414:Why the next census needs to ask about language
☉ 11385415:Combing and combating head lice
☉ 11385416:Increases in testicular cancer may be linked to the rise in maternal b
☉ 11385417:Computerised database monitors vaccine safety in Vietnam
☉ 11385418:European water treaty hailed as a milestone for public health
☉ 11385419:Alternative breast cancer drug shows promise
☉ 11385420:NHS research programme to be transformed
☉ 11385421:Avian flu pandemic could be brought under control in three weeks
☉ 11385422:Early practical experience and the social responsiveness of clinical e
☉ 11385423:What's new this month in BMJ Journals
☉ 11385424:What's new in the other general journals
☉ 11385425:Temporal trends in multiple births after in vitro fertilisation in Swe
☉ 11385426:Variability in interpretation of chest radiographs among Russian clini
☉ 11385427:Acupuncture in patients with tension-type headache: randomised control
☉ 11385428:Randomised controlled trial of home based motivational interviewing by
☉ 11385429:Sports utility vehicles and older pedestrians
☉ 11385430:Effect of media portrayals of removal of children's tissue on UK tumou
☉ 11385431:Weapons of mass destruction—threats and responses
☉ 11385432:Young people's access to tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs
☉ 11385433:What the educators are saying
☉ 11385434:The challenges of systematic reviews of educational research
☉ 11385435:Nobel prize is awarded to doctors who discovered H pylori
☉ 11385436:Staphylococcus aureus, Panton-Valentine leukocidin, and necrotising pn
☉ 11385437:Is the private finance initiative dead?
☉ 11385438:Ensuring medical students are "fit for purpose"
☉ 11385439:An adequate margin of excision in ductal carcinoma in situ
☉ 11385440:Do get in touch
☉ 11385441:Treatment for colorectal cancer should be based on genetic analysis
☉ 11385442:Independent centres threaten training
☉ 11385443:NHS trust plans to cut consultant posts to make savings
☉ 11385444:Labour party will continue use of private contractors in the NHS
☉ 11385445:WHO confirms four human cases of avian flu in Indonesia
☉ 11385446:UN appoints official to combat threat from avian flu
☉ 11385447:Alternative therapies could save the NHS money, says report commission
☉ 11385448:EU tightens rules on blood safety
☉ 11385449:Surgeons perform Germany's first crossover kidney transplantation
☉ 11385450:Study of 100 000 children is due to start next year

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