☉ 11384651:Assessment of methodological quality of primary studies by systematic
☉ 11384652:Comparison of descriptions of allocation concealment in trial protocol
☉ 11384653:Quality assuring our learning from others
☉ 11384654:Doing what's best and best interests
☉ 11384655:Patient's perspective
☉ 11384656:Postoperative hypoxia in a woman with Down's syndrome: case outcome
☉ 11384657:What the educators are saying
☉ 11384658:Detecting cheating in written medical examinations by statistical anal
☉ 11384659:Do selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors cause suicide?
☉ 11384660:Why clinicians are natural bayesians
☉ 11384661:What can mendelian randomisation tell us about modifiable behavioural
☉ 11384662:Hand
☉ 11384663:Underwater birth and neonatal respiratory distress
☉ 11384664:Easy yet so easily missed
☉ 11384665:Open access, impact, and demand
☉ 11384666:The fetal origins hypothesis—10 years on
☉ 11384667:Antioxidants for children with kwashiorkor
☉ 11384668:Many patients may not understand consent forms
☉ 11384669:Attributable lung cancer risk from radon in homes may be low
☉ 11384670:Cervical cancer is still missed, despite the availability of screening
☉ 11384671:NICE says that patients' age should affect treatment
☉ 11384672:Merck chief quits as further material on Vioxx emerges
☉ 11384673:Half of patients in intensive care receive suboptimal care
☉ 11384674:Global functions at the World Health Organization
☉ 11384675:Monitoring surgical mortality
☉ 11384676:New law aims to distance the FDA from the drug industry
☉ 11384677:WHO's attempts to eradicate polio are thwarted in Africa and Asia
☉ 11384678:More pubs will escape smoking ban than UK government has claimed
☉ 11384679:Doctors object to a wider role for surgical care practitioners
☉ 11384680:English surgeons may at last be about to become doctors
☉ 11384681:What's new in the other general journals
☉ 11384682:MMR vaccine and Crohn's disease: ecological study of hospital admissio
☉ 11384683:Mumps outbreaks across England and Wales in 2004: observational study
☉ 11384684:Longitudinal study of birth weight and adult body mass index in predic
☉ 11384685:Understanding resolution of deliberate self harm: qualitative intervie
☉ 11384686:Antioxidant supplementation for the prevention of kwashiorkor in Malaw
☉ 11384687:Building a framework for trust: critical event analysis of deaths in s
☉ 11384688:Major trauma
☉ 11384689:Mumps and the UK epidemic 2005
☉ 11384690:Open access and openly accessible: a study of scientific publications
☉ 11384691:Hyperhidrosis
☉ 11384692:Patients' and health professionals' views on primary care for people w
☉ 11384693:Aid after disasters
☉ 11384694:Stem cell therapy: hope or hype?
☉ 11384695:Revalidation in the UK
☉ 11384696:Failure to act on good intentions
☉ 11384697:Excellent review scheme for critical incidents but insufficient for re
☉ 11384698:Bill Gates says rich governments are failing the developing world
☉ 11384699:Private sector operations to rise from 4% to 11% of total
☉ 11384700:GMC challenges court ruling on end of life decisions

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