☉ 11410251:接枝聚硅氧烷环糊精固定相溶胶凝胶毛细管气相色谱柱分离内酯对映体
☉ 11410252:加权最小二乘支持向量机改进算法及其在光谱定量分析中的应用
☉ 11410253:基于离子缔合效应电化学发光分析法测定十二烷基苯磺酸钠
☉ 11410254:固相萃取色谱测定水、沉积物及土壤中氯霉素和3种四环素类抗生素
☉ 11410255:主成分线性判别法对大气易挥发性有机化合物的预警
☉ 11410256:液相色谱/质谱大气压化学电离源鉴定深海鱼油中长链不饱和脂肪酸
☉ 11410257:微乳电动色谱激光诱导荧光检测法快速分离测定麻黄碱和伪麻黄碱
☉ 11410258:铜纳米微粒与维生素B1相互作用的吸收光谱和共振瑞利散射光谱研究
☉ 11410259:同位素稀释结合固相萃取快速测定动物组织中β2兴奋剂
☉ 11410260:顺磁共振和傅里叶变换红外光谱法研究高温对荒漠苔藓质膜结构影响
☉ 11410261:Molecular Epidemiology of Oral Treponemes in Patients with Periodontit
☉ 11410262:反相高效液相色谱电喷雾质谱法分析食源血管紧张素转换酶抑制肽
☉ 11410263:电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定人血浆中20种微量元素
☉ 11410264:电堆集富集非水毛细管电泳同时测定水杨酸、肉桂酸、阿魏酸和香草酸
☉ 11410265:表面响应曲面法优化微生物中聚β羟基丁酸酯提取条件的研究
☉ 11410266:纳米La(OH)3修饰电极对邻苯二酚和对苯二酚的同时测定
☉ 11410267:高效液相色谱与电喷雾飞行时间质谱联用鉴定胰岛素注射液
☉ 11410268:Prevalence of Newer -Lactamases in Gram-Negative Clinical Isolates Col
☉ 11410269:傅里叶变换红外吸收光谱识别五种植物油的研究
☉ 11410270:External Quality Assessment of Molecular Typing of Staphylococcus aure
☉ 11410271:Molecular Characterization of Non-Penicillin-Susceptible Streptococcus
☉ 11410272:分光光度法快速测定玉米叶片中的叶绿素
☉ 11410273:The Key Role of Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis in Investigation of a
☉ 11410274:Molecular Epidemiology of Multidrug-Resistant Mycobacterium bovis Isol
☉ 11410275:流动注射分离原子吸收光谱法测定底泥中生物可利用态Cr和Cr
☉ 11410276:Clonal Relationship among Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor Strains Causing th
☉ 11410277:Spread of Cholera with Newer Clones of Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor, Sero
☉ 11410278:激光拉曼光谱内标法直接测定乙醇浓度
☉ 11410279:Quinupristin-Dalfopristin Resistance in Enterococcus faecium Isolates
☉ 11410280:An Outbreak of Keratitis Caused by Mycobacterium immunogenum
☉ 11410281:纳米金/丝素复合膜修饰电极制备及对对苯二酚的电催化作用
☉ 11410282:Comparative Evaluation of Early Diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis by
☉ 11410283:Evaluation of Real-Time and Conventional PCR Targeting Complex 85 Gene
☉ 11410284:马铃薯膳食纤维的结构特征分析
☉ 11410285:Chaouki Benabdesselem, Dahmani M. Fathallah, Richard C. Huard, Hongxia
☉ 11410286:Phenotypic Detection of Carbapenem-Susceptible Metallo--Lactamase-Prod
☉ 11410287:溶剂浮选法分离富集淫羊霍提取液中淫羊霍苷
☉ 11410288:Multicenter Evaluation of the Etest and Disk Diffusion Methods for Dif
☉ 11410289:rpoB Gene Mutations and Molecular Characterization of Rifampin-Resista
☉ 11410290:亲水醇/盐水双液相体系萃取赤霉素的研究
☉ 11410291:Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex and Mycobacterial Heat Shock Protei
☉ 11410292:双抗体夹心酶联免疫检测法测定蓖麻毒素
☉ 11410293:Use of the Phoenix Automated System for Identification of Streptococcu
☉ 11410294:Evaluation of the New VITEK 2 Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL)
☉ 11410295:Loss of Catabolic Function in Streptococcus agalactiae Strains and Its
☉ 11410296:Temperature Gradient Gel Electrophoresis of Fecal 16S rRNA Reveals Act
☉ 11410297:乳酸乙酯对映体和丙酮酸乙酯混合物的气相色谱分析
☉ 11410298:液相色谱电喷雾离子阱质谱联用分析河豚毒素
☉ 11410299:Staphylococcus aureus Throat Colonization Is More Frequent than Coloni
☉ 11410300:Detection of Cariogenic Streptococcus mutans in Extirpated Heart Valve

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