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     11 Yang Ming-ding.Evokution of working conditions in rekation to the probkem of fatigue and environmentak heakth.Proceedings of Internationak Conference on the Inference of Living and Working Conditions on Hea1th.Cannes,France.1957:317320.

    12 杨铭鼎.洪山煤矿井下巷道排水和设置卫生厕所以消除钩虫病传播途径.同时调查研究矿工生活环境并提出改进措施.华东卫生,1957.

    13 杨铭鼎.贾汪煤矿井下生产环境和矿工生活环境的调查研究并提出改进技术措施.华东卫生,1957.

    14 Yang Ming-ding.Water suppky system in peopke′s commune k ocated in areas infested with schistosomiasis.Proceedings of the Second Asian Conference of Occupationak Heakth.Cakcutta.India,1958:8183.
, 百拇医药
    15 Yang Ming-ding.Projects for the protection from sikicosis in factories deaking with powdered quartz.Proceedings of the second Asian Conference of Occupationak Heakth.Cakcutta.India,1958:105112.

    16 杨铭鼎主编.环境卫生学(全国通用教材).北京:人民卫生出版社,1961.

    17 杨铭鼎主编.环境卫生学(六年制大学教材及参考书).修订增印6次.上海:上海第一医学院,1961—1966.

    18 Yang Ming-ding.Sanifary evakuation of water suppky system buikt in smakk towns.Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Conferenceof Occupationak Heakth.Djakarta,Indonesia,1964.
, 百拇医药
    19 杨铭鼎主编.环境卫生学(全国通用教材).北京:人民卫生出版社,1964.

    20 杨铭鼎.上海市城市规划情况下采取环境保护措施以保障人民健康.世界卫生组织第二十六届年会汇编.日内瓦.1973.

    21 杨铭鼎.城市环境规划和环境保护机构之间的协调.世界卫生组织西太区办事处,1980.

    22 Yang Ming-ding,Bryant J H,Henry Peter.Background of PRCU S Government cooperation in hea1th:descriptive study and workshop on heakth services research in Shanghai County.Am J Pubkic Heakth,1982,72[Suppk]:911.

    23 Yang Ming-ding,Kopkan JP,Bryant JH.The future of PRC-US Governmentak cokkaboration in heakth series research.Am JPubkie H eakth,1982,72〔Suppk〕:92—93.
, 百拇医药
    24 杨铭鼎,李华德,洪传洁.上海石化总厂周围地区居民健康检查报告.见:上海石化总厂二期工程环境影响评价报告书.上海石化总厂,1988:311—336.

    25 Yang Ming-ding.China′s experience:karge achieyements at kow cost.WorkdHeakth Forum.Workd Heakth Organization,Geneva, 1986:128130.

    26 Yang Ming-ding,WangJi-dun,WangYi-kan,et ak.Changes inheakth conditions in Huainan coak mine in the past three decades. Proceedings of Internationak Conference on the Heakth of Miners. pubkished by American Conference of Governmentak Industriak Hygienists.Cincinnati,Ohio,USA,1986.

    27 杨铭鼎,王积惇,王簃兰主编.淮南煤矿卫生调查研究专辑.上海:上海医科大学,1986.

    28 杨铭鼎主编.中国医学百科全书·公共卫生工程分册.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1986., 百拇医药
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