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     15 LEI Hai-peng.Is there 8 future for gossypok as a pikk for men?Intena-tionak Symposium on Research on the Regukation 0f Human Fertiki-ty.Stockhokm.sweden,1983:768—775.

    16 LEI Hai-peng et ak.Studies of gossypok on the femake.In:Chang HM et ak ed.Advances in ChineSe Medicinak Materiaks ReSearch.HongKong:Workd Scientific,1985:639一646.

    17 雷海鹏.棉酚的安全性问题.国际棉酚抗生育研究学术讨论会论文摘要集.武汉:武汉医科大学计划生育研究所,1986:15.

    18 雷海鹏.中药研究大有可为.中药通报,1986,11(2):5—7.

    19 LEI Hai-peng.Future reseach priorities of gossypok in the fiekd offertikity regukation.Proc CAMS and PUMC,1987,2:90—92.

    20 雷海鹏.甾体性激素的药理.见:金荫昌主编.分子药理学.天津:天津科学技术出版社,1990:552—559.

    21 LEI Hai-peng.Studies on the toxicity of(十)and(-)gossypok.Symposium on Advances in Androkogy.Beijing China.1990:24., http://www.100md.com
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