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     Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 20 points)

    Directions: Beneath each of the following

    sentences, there are four choice marked A, B, C and D.

    You should choose the one that best completes the

    sentence and mark the corresponding letter on the

    Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
, 百拇医药
    l . There is no__________ in going to the park now as

    the sun is setting.

    A. reason B. cause C. motive D. point

    2. Mrs. Smith felt very__________ when her husband

    forgot her birthday.

    A. deceived B. deserted C. confused D. disappointed

    3. The output of the consuming products has been
, 百拇医药
    increasing__________ the end of 1990.

    A. at B. by C. since D. after

    4. The Minister insisted that a medical team__________

    to the poveny-stricken area immediately.

    A. should send B. is sent C. ought to send D. be

    sent .

    5. __________ from the plane, the city, with forest
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    covering 50% of its surface, appears as a forest garden.

    A. Seen B. Seeing C. Having seen D. To see

    6. It was courage__________ him to break bricks with

    his bare hand.

    A. which enabled B. that has enabled

    C. that enabled D. that is able for

    7. I 'd like to__________ the arrangements once more
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    before we get on the coach.

    A. go forward B. go over C.go round D. go about

    8. Even a teenager can answer these questions,

    __________ a graduate student.

    A. don't mention B. not to mention

    C. no mentioning D. not to speak

    9. Their work__________ , Xiao Wang and Xiao Li went to
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    play table tennis in the club.

    A. are done B. doing C. done D. did

    1 0. __________ such a kind man when I was in the great


    A. I little dreamed to meet with

    B. Little did I dreamed of meeting with

    C. I dreamed little to meet

    D. Little had I dreamed to see
, 百拇医药
    l 1. Money__________ anyone. But one shouldn't get

    money by ill means.

    A. is welcome tO B. welcomes

    C. is welcomed to D. is welcome by

    l 2. The situaiion today is completely different

    from__________ it was before the Liberation.

    A. what B. which C. when D. that
, 百拇医药
    l 3. He__________ his opinion so well that I

    couldn't know whether he agreed to the plan.

    A. masked B. retreated C. discovered D. avoided

    14. It must have rained last night__________ it is

    still wet outside.

    A. therefore B. that C. when D. for

    l 5. Do you think the subway is the most
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    effective__________ of transportation in this city?

    A. ways B. methods C. means D. passages

    l 6. This timetable is out of date, it will

    only__________ you.

    A. mistake B. mislead C. misplace D. misgive

    l 7. He spoke so quickly that we could not__________

    his meaning.
, 百拇医药
    A. make up B. make over C. make to D. make out

    l 8. I hope your__________ for the job of the section

    manager will be successful.

    A. endeavor B. application C. applicant D. reply

    l 9. The writer of this story must be a very__________


    A. imaginable B. imaginative C. imaginary D.
, 百拇医药

    20. The students were__________ to find Prof Walkef

    lecture on such__________ topic so__________ .

    A. surprised, bored, excited

    B. surprising, boring, exciting

    C. surprised, boring, exciting

    D. surprising, bored, excited, 百拇医药