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http://www.100md.com 2001年1月15日



    研究人员在11月的《生物精神病学》杂志上指出,“赌博会使情绪高涨,赢钱能产生一种欢欣的精神状态。” 赌博引起的生理反应可能会强化和引诱赌博者再次体验这种刺激。
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    How Your Body Gets Hooked on Gambling

    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Gambling can be just as addictive as drinking or taking drugs, researchers report. German investigators found that gambling for money provokes physical symptoms including increased heart rate and the release of certain hormones that contribute to an overall state of arousal and, perhaps, addiction.

    ``Physiologic responses to gambling enhance mood and...winning has the ability to produce a ‘euphoric‘ state,‘‘ Gerhard Meyer and colleagues write in the November 1st issue of Biological Psychiatry.
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    Meyer and his team suggest that the physiological responses they elicited from study participants during gambling for money exercises in a real-world setting may explain how an individual becomes addicted to gambling.

    The investigators conducted their study at the Institute of Psychology and Cognition Research at the University of Bremen in Germany. The research team looked at the behavior and stress responses of 10 male gamblers who were approached at random in a casino.
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    All 10 participants engaged in one real blackjack card game session in a casino for monetary stakes and one session without any money involved. In both cases, their heart rate was measured with a portable monitor and saliva samples were taken to test for hormonal secretions.

    The researchers found that the increase in heart rate observed during the for-money gambling session was significantly higher than the increase noted during the no-money session.
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    Meyer‘s team also noted that hormone secretions were elevated to higher levels when money was at stake and that these levels were sustained after the gambling ended.

    The release of hormones mimics a stress event--such as parachute jumping--and such an elevation in mood and excitement is often maintained for a number of hours after the gambling has ceased, the authors explain.

    Such a physical response to the act of betting may be reinforcing, the researchers note, luring the player back for more--simply for the ``rush.‘‘

    载自家庭医生医疗保健网, 百拇医药