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     7.9 Schmucker etal.


    人类唐氏综合症细胞粘连分子在果蝇中的同源物是Dacam,它与Dock相互作用,进而得到分离,Dscam是免疫球蛋白超家族中的一员,其结构与许多常见的轴突导向受体相似。Schmucker etal.发现,Dscam在轴突中表达,其突变体会引起导向出现缺陷,而Dscam的基因结构更是让人大吃一惊,Dscam基因具有相当多的剪切方式,形成蛋白千变万化,但都有相同的结构域,如果每种剪切方式都产生蛋白,那么将有38,000种之多,在神经系统尚未发现这种好象免疫抗体类蛋白才会有的现象。


    The peripheral

    nervous system (green processes) in a Drosophila embryo. The green

    shadow in the background corresponds to the central nervous system. (Photograph courtesy of J. R. Riesgo, Instituto de Neurobiología,UNAM, Mexico).


    Original research paper

    Schmucker, D. et al. Drosophila Dscam is an axon

    guidance receptor exhibiting extraordinary molecular diversity. Cell

    101, 671-684 (2000). REVIEWS

    Chisholm, A. & Tessier-Lavigne, M. Conservation and divergence of axon guidance mechanisms. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 9,603-615 (1999). [PUBMED]

    Mueller, B. K. Growth cone guidance: first steps

    towards a deeper understanding. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 22, 351-388 (1999). [Publisher’s site]

    Seeger, M. A. & Beattie, C. E. Attraction versus

    repulsion: modular receptors make the difference in axon guidance. Cell 9, 821-824 (1999). [PUBMED] tessier-Lavigne, M. & Goodman, C. S. The molecular

    biology of axon guidance. Science 274, 1123-1133 (1996). [PUBMED]

    Further reading

    Yamakawa et al. DSCAM: a novel member of the

    immunoglobulin superfamily maps in a Down syndrome region and is

    involved in the development of the nervous system. Hum. Mol. Genet. 7:227-237 (1998).


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