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http://www.100md.com 2001年7月26日 家庭医生医疗保健网
     路透社纽约健康消息 一项新的研究表明,联合应用X射线治疗和注射通常会引起食物中毒的沙门氏菌,可以减慢一种最罕见的致命性皮肤癌──黑色素瘤的病程。


, 百拇医药


    Bacteria Harnessed to Battle Skin Cancer

    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - New research suggests that combining x-ray therapy with an injection of a bacterium that is a common source of food poisoning can slow down the progression of the rarest but most deadly form of skin cancer.
, 百拇医药
    In experiments in mice, treatment that combined genetically modified Salmonella bacteria with radiation slowed down the growth of melanoma tumors.

    Injecting people with disease-causing bacteria may seem like a strange way to treat cancer, and the idea still raises eyebrows, according to the study‘s lead author, Dr. John Pawelek, of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. But in an interview with Reuters Health, Pawelek noted that the strain of Salmonella used to fight cancer has been stripped of its disease-causing properties.
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    The idea of using Salmonella to treat melanoma arose when Pawelek mentioned to a colleague that melanoma cells mimic the characteristics of white blood cells called macrophages. His colleague suggested that since Salmonella destroy white blood cells, the bacteria might also kill cancer cells.

    Animal testing confirmed this hunch, and human trials sponsored by Vion Pharmaceuticals are currently under way, according to Pawelek. Vion also provided funding for the current study, and one of the authors is an employee of the company.
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    Writing in the European Journal of Cancer, Pawelek and his colleagues report on a method that improves the effectiveness of Salmonella therapy in mice. When mice with melanoma received both an injection of Salmonella and radiation therapy, the progression of tumors was substantially slower than it was when either treatment was used alone.

    In mice that received both treatments, tumors took an average of 100 days to reach the size of one gram, about five times longer than when the bacteria was given without radiation, according to the report.
, 百拇医药
    A few weeks or months of extra survival may not seem like a long time, but Pawelek noted that mice with melanoma will usually die within 2 to 3 weeks if they do not receive treatment.

    ``It all points towards a nice new direction for therapy,‘‘ he said.

    Interestingly, combination therapy produced what the researchers call a ``supra-additive‘‘ effect, meaning that the combined benefits were greater than those of Salmonella or radiation alone when added together.
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    Speaking of the combination therapy, Pawelek said, ``We don‘t know why it works.‘‘

    With support from the pharmaceutical company Vion, Pawelek and his colleagues are currently trying to figure out why two plus two equals more than four in the case of Salmonella and radiation. Understanding how the therapy works is the only way to improve its benefits, he said, noting that the treatment slows down, but does not destroy the tumors.

    SOURCE: European Journal of Cancer 2000., http://www.100md.com