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http://www.100md.com 2001年7月26日 家庭医生医疗保健网
     路透社伦敦消息 人类腺病毒是一种能引起人体感冒症状的病毒,它有着与其它病毒相类似的结构和属性。近日苏格兰大学的研究员宣布,这种病毒能为癌症成因的研究带来新的曙光,为癌症治疗开辟新道路。



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    Scientists Seek Cancer Clues in Cold Virus

    LONDON (Reuters) - Viruses that cause the common cold could hold important clues to ways of tackling cancer, Scottish scientists said Tuesday.

    About one-sixth of the 200 different types of cancer, including cervical cancer and some kinds of leukemia, are triggered by viruses but how they do it is still a mystery.
, 百拇医药
    Researchers at Scotland‘s University of St. Andrews hope the human adenovirus, which causes colds and has similar properties to other viruses, will shed new light on those that cause cancer and open up another line of attack against the disease.

    ``We‘re using a cold virus to try to crack the problem because although it doesn‘t cause cancer itself, it has features in common with viruses that do,‘‘ Professor Ron Hay, the head of the research team, said in a telephone interview.
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    One of the common features is a tumor suppressor gene, called P53, which acts like a brake to stop cancerous cells from dividing uncontrollably.

    Cancer viruses destroy p53 so that it can‘t stop the uncontrolled cell division associated with cancer. The adenovirus produces molecules that also damage p53 but without causing cancer.

    ``The reason adenoviruses don‘t cause cancer is that they kill the cells at the end of the infectious cycle,‘‘ Hay explained. ``In viruses which cause cancer, you get a situation where p53 is destroyed, and there may be other viral proteins which induce other changes in the cell to tell the cell to keep replicating.‘‘
, 百拇医药
    Hay and Professor David Lane, of the Cancer Research Campaign in Dundee, are studying two adenovirus molecules to find out how they stop p53 from working.

    P53 is genetically altered in 80 percent of cancers but in the other 20 percent of cancers the gene is still intact.

    ``The idea is that if we can identify these similarities in cancer cells we could identify targets for further drug development,‘‘ Hay explained.

    If scientists could stop p53 from being degraded or disabled, the damaged cells would destroy themselves instead of replicating., http://www.100md.com

    参见:首页 > 医疗版 > 疾病专题 > 呼吸内科 > 气管、支气管疾病 > 上呼吸道感染 > 普通感冒