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    (standard patient, SP)]












    ·Introduce yourself to patient, usually last name and title and have a little

    conversation to relax the patient and to judge mental state.

    ·Wash hands before starting examinagion

    ·Patient is seated in a chair

    ·Palpate radial (wrist) pulses for at least 30 seconds and record

    ·Palpate both radial (wrist) pulses simultaneously for symmetry

    ·Measure respiratory rate for at least 30 seconds and record

    ·Measure blood pressure on right arm

    ·Place cuff in correct location 2-3 cm above the antecubital crease

    ·Palpate brachial artery

    ·Measure blood pressure over brachial artery twice and record the lower reading

    2、头部和颈部[HEAD AND NECK]



    ·Palpate and observe scalp (parting hair, and observing hair density, color,lustre and distribution)









    ·Visual screening

    ·Observe cornea, sclera, conjunctive and lacrimal puncta by gently moving lower eyelids down.

    ·Observe sclera and bulbar conjunctiva by gently elevating upper eyelid while patient looks down

    ·Check cranial nerve(cr n) Ⅶ upper division:raised eyebrows, wrinkle forehead or forced eyelid closing.

    ·Evaluate extraocular muscle function in both eyes in 6 directions (left, upper left, and lower left, right, upper right, lower right)

    ·Observe pupillary direct response to light

    ·Observe pupillary consensual response to light

    ·Check for convergence and accommodation

    (3)检眼镜检查[OPhthalmoscopic Examination]











    ·Position patient at height comfortable for examiner

    ·Dim lights of room

    ·Hold ophthalmoscope properly and use index finger to switch lenses

    ·To examine patient`s right eye, examiner holds ophthalmoscope with right hand and uses right eye

    ·To examine patient`s left eye, examiner holds ophthalmoscope with left hand and uses left eye

    ·Position to start ophthalmoscopic examination

    ·Inspect cornea, lens, and vitreous body for opacity with ophthalmoscope

    ·Inspect optic disc (color, margin, etc.)

    ·Trace retinal vessels in four quadrants

    ·Observe macula (patient asked to look directly at light of ophthalmoscope)




    ·双手指置于耳屏前或稍插入外耳道,检查颞颌关节的运动 ......
