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    1997 Passage 1

    parliamentary(议会的,国会的)←parliament+ary。A parliament is nothing less than a big meeting of more or less idle people.议会无非是多少有些懒散的人们的一个大聚会。parliament - the longest running farce in the West End 议会--伦敦西区连续演出时间最长的闹剧。

    incurably(不可治地)即in+cur+ably,in-否定前缀,cur词根"治疗",-ably可......地;形容词形式为incurable←in+cur+able。a incurably disease 不治之症。

    bulletin(布告)可看作bullet+in,"留有弹痕的布告",如图(偶用PS做的 ):

    euthanasia(安乐死)看作eu+than+asia,eu谐音"已有",than比,asia亚洲,"安乐死在亚洲之外的地方已有了"。euthanasia - ①a way of putting old people out of their family's misery ②never having to tell your parents you're sorry 安乐死--①将老人从家庭的痛苦中解脱出来 ②绝对不必向父母道歉。



    certificate(证书)即certif(y)+ic+ate,certify证明,-ic形容词后缀,-ate作名词后缀表"物",于是"具证明性质的东西"→证书。I must discard riches, the certificate of slavery.我必须抛弃财富这张奴隶证书。

    objection(反对)即ob+ject+ion,ob-前缀"朝向",ject词根"投掷",-ion名词后缀,"向别人扔东西"→反对。同根词:reject→re(=back)+ject→扔回去→拒绝;inject→in+ject→向里扔→注入。All poets pretend to write for immortality, but he whole tribe have no objection to present pay and present praise.所有诗人都自称是为不巧的名声而写作,可这些家伙对眼前的稿酬与眼前的赞扬却全无异议。

    sink in 被了解;cool off 使冷静。

    1997 Passage 2


    observation(观察;pl.观察后的言论)←observe观察+ation。God creates by intuition; man creates by inspiration, strengthened by observation.上帝凭着直觉创造,人类凭着由观察加强的灵感创造。

    deserve(v.应受,值得)与desert一起记,"沙漠是应该受到重视的"。It is better to deserve honors and not to have them than to have them and not deserve them.理应拥有荣誉而不拥有它们胜过拥有荣誉而不应拥有它们。

    charitable(仁慈的)即charit(y)+able,charity仁慈,-able形容词后缀。A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.给狗一根骨头算不上仁慈,仁慈是在你跟狗一样饥饿时与狗分享的骨头。charity - ①giving someone the washing machine it wasn't worth having mended ②the only thing that can persuade us to get rid of old clothes and shoes 慈善--①将已经不值得修理的洗衣机送给别人 ②唯一能够说服我们清除破旧衣鞋的理由。

    assumption(假定;承担;呈现)是assume的名词形式;参consumption,2002年Text 3。assumption - the mother of screw-up 臆断--把事情弄糟的根源。


    encounter(v.n.遭遇)即en+counter,en-使,counter对面,"使面对面"→遭遇。If we encountered a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he read.若遇到才智非凡的人,就应该问他读的是哪些书。

    individual(个别的;个体)即in+divid+ual,in-否定前缀,divid词根"分",-ual后缀,"不可再分的"→个别的。同根词:divide(v.分配;除);subdivide→sub在下+divide→"在下面分"→再分。The worth of a state, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it.归根结底,国家的价值就是组成它的个人的价值。In science, the total absorption of the individual event in the generalization is the goal; on the other hand, the humanities are concerned rather with providing for the special meaning of the individual event within an appropriate general system.自然科学以在归纳中全部吸收个别情况为目标,人文科学则更关心在适当的一般性体系之内提供个别情况的特殊意义。individual - a multitude of one million divided by one million 个人--一百万除一百万所得的人数。

    exclusively(专有地;排外地)是exclude(v.除外)的副词形式 ......
