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    ? Renal Osteodystrophy(ROP)


    ? 分为狭义肾性骨病和广义肾性骨病。狭义肾性骨病是指慢性肾衰竭伴发代谢性骨病。广义肾性骨病是指和肾脏相关的疾病。

    ? The ROP has the narrow sense definition and the broad sense definition. The narrow sense definition of ROP is referred to chronic renal failure with metabolism bone diseases. The broad sense definition of ROP is referred to diseases related to the kidney.


    ? 高转化性骨病High tumover bone disease

    ? 低转化性骨病:Low tumover bone disease

    ? 1、非动力性骨病;Adynamic bone disease

    ? 2、骨软化症;Osteomalacia

    ? 混合型骨病 Mix renal osteodystrophy

    ? β2-微球蛋白淀粉样变 β2-microglobulin amyloidosis


    ? 一:高转化性骨病(囊性纤维性骨炎Osteitis fibrosa) 以甲状旁腺机能亢进,成骨细胞和破骨细胞增殖活跃及骨小梁周围纤维化为特征。

    ? 二:低转化型肾性骨病:骨软化指新形成类骨质矿化缺陷,常由铝沉积所致。非动力性骨病指骨形成降低,多与高钙血症,维生素D过度抑制PTH分泌等有关。

    ? 三:β2-微球蛋白淀粉样变 β2-微球蛋白在关节处沉积引起疼痛和骨折。



    ? 高转化性骨病(囊性纤维性骨炎)

    1 低钙血症,肾功能减退时,肾脏合成1,25(OH)2D3和排磷能力降低,导致低钙血症,而低钙血症增加PTH的分泌

    2 高磷血症,抑制1a羟化酶的活性,增加骨骼对PTH的抵抗,刺激PTH的分泌。

    - Hypocalcaemia, with reduced kidney function. The low synthesis of 1,25( OH)2 D3 and hyperphosphatemia will cause hypocalcaemia, and hypocalcaemia increase the secretion of the PTH.

    - Hyperphosphatemia, hyperphosphatemia will repress the activity of the 1-αhydroxylase , increasing the resistance ability of the bone to the PTH and increase the secretion of the PTH.



    3 活性维生素D3的变化,肾功能减退时,近端肾小管细胞内磷含量增高抑制线粒体1a羟化酶,使1,25(OH)2D3合成减少,PTH基因转录和表达增加。

    4 骨骼对PTH的抵抗

    5 甲状旁腺自主性增生。

    - Changes of the active form of Vit D. The impression of the activity of the 1-αhydroxylase causes the low synthesis of 1,25( OH)2 D3.

    - The resistance ability of the bone to the PTH

    - The independent hyperplasia of the parathyroid gland


    Low tumover bone disease

    1 非动力性骨病;机制尚未阐明,多与糖尿病、甲状旁腺切除抑制PTH分泌有关

    2 骨软化症;多与1,25(OH)2D3缺乏和铝中毒有关。

    The pathogenesis is still not very clear, but mainly related to the impression of the secretion of the PTH

    - It has something with the deficit of 1,25( OH)2 D3 and the aluminium intoxication.

    ? β2-微球蛋白淀粉样变。正常人每日产生β2-微球蛋白150-200毫克,当肾功能衰竭时β2-微球蛋白排泄减少在血中蓄积,并沉积于骨、关节及肌腱等处,引起骨的囊性损害,弥漫性脱钙及腕管综合症。


    The clinical performance of high tumover bone disease


    ? 骨痛和骨折,疼痛部位多见于腰背部、下肢等。表现为深部剧痛。

    ? 自发性肌腱撕裂,多发于四头肌、三头肌、跟腱、常发生于行走、下楼梯、和颠倒时

    ? 骨骼畸形和生长障碍,常见于小儿尿毒症患者

    ? 关节炎和关节周围炎,常表现为类似痛风性关节炎的红、肿、痛

    Muscle and skeleton symptoms

    ? Bone ache and the bone fracture.

    ? Spontaneous tendon pulled.

    ? Arthritis and periarthritis.

    ? Skeletal deformity and growth retardation.

    - 皮肤瘙痒 ......
