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    蔡映云 范理宏

    作者单位:200032 上海,复旦大学附属中山医院肺科

    [中图分类号]R734. 2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]100129057 (2002) 0520321202

    [摘要] 肺癌多学科综合治疗的临床思维涉及制定治疗方案、实施治疗方案和考核治疗方案




    [关键词] 肺肿瘤/治疗; 综合疗法

    The cl inical thinking about general treatment of lung cancer CHA I Yingyun , FA N G luhong. De2

    partment of respi ratory , Rui Jin Hospi tal , S hanghai Second Medical Universi ty , S hanghai 200025 ,China

    [ Abstract] The clinical thinking about general t reatment of lung cancer includes three parts : (1)

    how to make a t reatment protocal ; (2) how to perform the protocal ; (3) how to evaluate it . There are sev 2

    eral factors which influece the t reatment protocal of lung cancer ,such as the biological characters of the

    tumors ,the local and general condition of the paitents and the indications and cont raindications of each

    therapy. When performing the protocal , those relations must be reasonably dealt ,it local t reatment and

    general threatment ,benefits and side 2effects ,anti2tumoral t reatment and adjuvant t reatment . We can eval2

    uate the effects of the protocal according to the size of the mass of CT or X 2ray film ,the surviving dura2

    tion and the quality of life.

    [ Key words] Lung neoplasms/ therapy ; Combined modality

    近 10 年来 ,随着肺癌治疗研究的不断深入 ,以外


    方法取得了一些进展。如何合理应用各种治疗方法 ,尽可能提高疗效 ,避免或减轻副作用是临床医师十分

    关心的课题。本文根据循证医学的观点 ,结合笔者的

    临床经验 ,探讨肺癌多学科治疗的临床思维。


    在制定治疗决策时必须考虑三个方面的因素: (1)

    肿瘤的生物学特征; (2)患者局部和全身情况; (3)各种



    肿瘤细胞的病理类型和肺癌 TNM 分期。肺癌根据病

    理类型分为小细胞肺癌 ( SCLC) 和非小细胞肺癌

    (NSCLC) 。SCLC 是全身性疾病 ,分广泛期和局限

    期[1 ]

    ,广泛期以化疗为主要治疗方式 ,局限期小细胞

    肺癌国际公认的治疗方法[1 ]


    的治疗根据 1997 年 UICC 的肺癌分期[2 ]

    : IA 期

    ( T1N0M0)手术后不需要用化疗; ⅠB 期( T2N0) 、Ⅱ

    期和 Ⅲ A 期患者术后应做辅助化疗[3 ] ......
