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    Identifying patients at risk for complications

    and then attempting to modify that risk

    To decrease perioperative respiratory complication

    1. 术前评估

    2. 术前准备

    3. 麻醉处理

    4. 术后处理


    1. 肺部并发症的危险因素

    2. 术前评估

    3. 术前准备

    4. 麻醉对呼吸系统的影响


    Pulmonary complications:

    Important form of postoperative morbidity

    after major cardiothoracic and abdominal



    大手术可达:25 %~ 50%


    1. 术前状态

    2. 手术部位

    3. 急诊手术


    术前存在呼吸系统疾病、吸烟、 肥胖、老龄


    most significant patient-related risk for post

    operative pulmonary complications

    Distinguishing patients with lung disease: important step in identifying the risk of postoperative pulmonary complications

    COPD 和哮喘

    Postsurgical pulmonary complications :

    26%~ 78%

    Increased risk of morbidity:


    Surgery performed when symptom free or



    Pulmonary complications

    upper abdominal and thoracic operations:

    20 %~70%

    泌尿或骨科手术: 4%



    less pain and less disruption of abdominal

    and diaphragmatic muscle activity



    上腹部和胸部手术 :

    降低FVC 60%

    7-10 天才能恢复正常


    降低 FVC40%



    Variable Description Relative odds


    年龄 >80yrs & <60yrs 3.29

    性别 F & M 0.77

    生理状态 ASA 3,4 & 1,2 10.65


    手术种类 大 & 小 3.82

    手术时间 >2 hrs & <2hrs 1.08

    紧急程度 急症 &选择性 4.44



    ASA IV级

    年龄> 70y


    FVC ≤80%预计值

    FEF (用力呼吸流量)≤ 60% 的预计值

    晶体液输入> 6 L



    Pathologic preoperative PFTS:

    FVC of 50% of normal

    Forced expiratory volume (FEV1) <1 Liter

    PaCO2 >50 mmHg

    呼吸并发症: 28.1%

    而术前PFTS 正常的病人,呼吸并发症为7.9%




    regional vs general anesthesia


    Anesthetic agents with shorter elimination half-lives





    病人教育(如戒烟、 减肥、呼吸锻炼)


    Urgency of the proposed operation

    Surgical site ......
