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    TNM Staging System


    外科部 一般外科

    葉大成 醫師? gendy@episerv.cph.ntu.edPhilosophy of classification

    A clinical useful classification scheme for cancer must

    encompass the attributes of the tumor that define its

    behavior.General rules for staging of cancer


    ? Selection of primary and adjuvant therapy.

    ? Estimation of prognosis.

    ? Assistance in evaluation of the results of treatment.

    ? Facilitation of the exchange of information of the

    exchange if information among treatment centers.

    ? Contribution to the continuing investigation of

    human cancers.TNM staging of the Breast

    ? Introduction

    ? Anatomy

    ? Primary site

    ? Chest wall

    ? Regional lymph nodes

    ? Metastatic sites

    ? Rules for classification

    ? Clinical staging

    ? Pathologic staging

    ? TNM classification

    ? Primary tumor (T)

    ? Regional lymph nodes (N)

    ? Distant metastasis (M)

    ? Definition of TNM

    ? Primary tumor (T)

    ? Regional lymph nodes (N)

    ? Distant metastasis (M)

    ? Stage grouping

    ? Histopathologic type

    ? Histologic grade (G)乳房的解剖與編碼

    ? Nipple (C50.0)

    ? Central potion (C50.1)

    ? Upper-inner quadrant (C50.2)

    ? Lower-inner quadrant (C50.3)

    ? Upper-outer quadrant (C50.4)

    ? Lower-outer quadrant (C50.5)

    ? Axillary tail (C50.6)

    ? Overlapping lesion of breast (C50.8)

    ? Breast, NOS (C50.9)Introduction

    ? This staging system for carcinoma of the breast

    applies to

    ? Infiltrating carcinoma

    (including microinvasive)

    ? In situ carcinoma

    ?Microscopic confirmation of the diagnosis in

    mandatory, and the histologic type and grade of

    carcinoma should be recorded.All cases should be confirmed microscopically.

    Any cases not so proved must be reported separately.

    ? Microscopic confirmation of choriocarcinoma is not

    required if the hCG is abnorally elevated.

    ? Microscopic unconfirmed cases can be staged, but

    should be analyzed separately.

    The General Rules of the TNM systemMicroscopic confirmation? Introduction

    ? Anatomy

    ? Primary site

    ? Chest wall

    ? Regional lymph nodes

    ? Metastatic sites

    ? Rules for classification

    ? Clinical staging

    ? Pathologic staging

    ? TNM classification

    ? Primary tumor (T)

    ? Regional lymph nodes (N)

    ? Distant metastasis (M)

    ? Definition of TNM

    ? Primary tumor (T)

    ? Regional lymph nodes (N)

    ? Distant metastasis (M)

    ? Stage grouping

    ? Histopathologic type

    ? Histologic grade (G)

    TNM staging of the Breast? Terminal duct-lobular unit

    ? Terminal duct

    z Extralobular, intralobular

    ? Lobules

    ? Alveoli

    ? Major duct

    ? Collecting ducts

    ? Lactiferous sinuses

    ? Segmental ducts

    ? Subsegmental ducts

    ? The mammary gland is

    ? segmentally

    divided into 15 to

    20 distinct

    glandular units or

    lobes,? each has a ductal

    orifice at the apex

    of nipple.

    Microscopic anatomy of the breastBreast profile:

    A ducts

    B lobules

    C dilated section of duct to hold


    D nipple

    E fat

    F pectoralis major muscle

    G chest wall/rib cage


    A normal duct cells

    B basement membrane

    C lumen (center of duct)

    Microscopic anatomy

    of the breastBreast CancerApproximate distribution of breast tissue on ......
