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    收稿日期: 20082 102 09 修回日期: 20082 122 28


    谷 岩 ,侯 澎 ,谷 川

    (天津市第一中心医院普通外科,天津 300192)

    中图分类号: R563. 5 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 10062 2084 (2009) 052 07142 04

    摘要:肺栓塞 ( PE)危害严重且病死率高,临床表现缺乏特异性,致使临床误诊、 漏诊较多。但可

    有效治疗,近年来日益受到人们重视。许多互补的方法用于可疑 PE患者的诊断。目前,在 PE的诊

    断和治疗方面都取得了很大的进展,更加简便、 经济的诊断模式和有效的治疗方法将不断改善。


    Progress of D i agnosis and Trea tmen t for Pulmonary Embolism GU Yan, HOU Peng, GU Chuan . (De2

    part m ent of Comm on Surgery, Tianjin Fir st Hospital , Tianjin 300192, China)

    Abstract: Pul monary embolis( PE) is a disease with high mortality . Because the symp toms of PE are un2

    s pecifie,misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis often occurs . With the correct diagnosis, the patients will receive

    effective therapy, s o more and more doctors pay attenti on t o this disease recent years . Many relative methods

    are used in the diagnosis of PE. Now it has made a great p r ogress in the accurate diagnosis and treat ment .

    More si mp le and economic makes the diagnostic and treatmentmethod of the PE increasing qualified .

    Key words: Pulmonary embolis m; Clinical diagnosis ; Treatment


    分支 ,组织血液供应受阻所引起的疾患 ......
