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    课程名称:中医专业英语(二) 授课教师:

    授课时间: 2007-2008 年度 第二学期 周:1-10

    内 容



    第七章 常用中医临床词汇





    1. Diagnostics 诊断学

    1.1 Inspection 望诊

    望神 inspection of the vitality

    得神 presence of vitality

    假神 false vitality

    神不守舍 spirit failing to keep to its abode

    神昏 loss of consciousness

    神疲 lassitude of spirit

    失神 loss of vitality

    面黑 darkish complexion

    面红 reddened complexion

    面黄 yellow complexion

    面靑 bluish complexion

    面色 (facial) complexion

    面色苍白 pale complexion

    面色淡白 pale white complexion

    面色恍白 bright pale complexion

    面色萎黄 sallow complexion

    望色 inspection of the complexion

    眞脏色 true visceral color

    主色 governing complexion

    病色 morbid complexion

    恶色 malign complexion

    客色 visiting complexion

    颤动舌 trembling tongue

    齿痕舌 teeth-marked tongue

    1. World Health

    Organization. WHO

    International Standard

    Terminologies on

    Traditional Medicine in

    the Western Pacific

    Region. 2007.

    2. 《新世纪中医英语


    丁年青总主编 上海外语

    教育出版社 2006.1

    1淡白舌 pale tongue

    淡红舌 pale red tongue

    地图舌 geographical tongue

    点刺舌 spotted tongue

    短缩舌 contracted tongue

    光剥舌 peeled tongue

    红舌 red tongue

    绛舌 crimson tongue

    镜面舌 mirror tongue

    麻痹舌 paralyzed tongue

    芒刺舌 prickly tongue

    胖大舌 enlarged tongue

    强硬舌 stiff tongue

    靑紫舌 bluish purple tongue

    白苔 white fur

    剥苔 peeling fur

    薄苔 thin fur

    腐苔 curdy fur

    黑苔 black fur

    厚苔 thick fur

    滑苔 slippery fur

    黄苔 yellow fur

    灰苔 gray fur

    类剥苔 exfoliated fur

    燥裂苔 dry and cracked fur

    燥苔 dry fur

    粘腻苔 sticky slimy fur

    1.2 Listening and Smelling Examination 闻诊

    闻声音 listening to sounds

    语声低微 faint low voice

    语声重浊 deep turbid voice

    郑声 muttering

    错语 disordered speech

    独语 soliloquy

    呓语 sleep talking

    谵语 delirious speech

    喘促 panting

    喘鸣 wheezing dyspnea

    1.3 Inquiry 问诊

    问寒热 inquiry about cold and heat

    但寒不热 chills without fever

    但热不寒 fever without chills

    2恶寒发热 aversion to cold with fever

    眞寒假热 true cold with false heat

    眞寒假热证 true cold with false heat pattern syndrome

    眞热假寒 true heat with false cold

    五心烦热 vexing heat in the chest, palms and soles

    午后潮热 afternoon tidal fever

    壮热 high fever

    手足烦热 vexing heat in the extremities

    手足心热 heat in the palms and soles

    日晡潮热 late afternoon tidal fever

    问汗 inquiry about sweating

    半身汗出 half-body sweating

    半身无汗 half-body absence of sweating

    盗汗 night sweating

    多汗 profuse sweating

    黄汗 yellow sweat

    絶汗 expiry sweating

    冷汗 cold sweating

    手足汗 sweating from the hands and feet

    手足心汗 sweating from the palms and soles

    战汗 shiver sweating

    自汗 spontaneous sweating

    背痛 back pain

    掣痛 pulling pain

    持续痛 persistent pain

    刺痛 stabbing pain

    窜痛 scurrying pain

    腹痛 abdominal pain

    固定痛 fixed pain

    口淡 bland taste in the mouth

    口干 dry mouth

    口渴 thirst

    口苦 bitter taste in the mouth

    口麻 numbness in the mouth

    口酸 sour taste in the mouth

    口甜 sweet taste in themouth

    口味 taste in the mouth

    口咸 salty taste in the mouth

    便脓血 stool containing pus and blood

    便溏 sloppy stool ......
