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    TCM Etiology and Pathology

    Shen Jiangang

    School of Chinese Medicine Introduction

    ? In TCM theory, diseases are defined as the struggling

    process of Vital-Qi (正氣, body resistance ) against “Evil

    Qi” (邪氣, pathological factors).

    ? The conflicts between vital-qi and pathogenic factors are

    closely related to the developments and consequences

    of illnesses.

    Canon of Inner Medicine《黃帝內經》says “The

    existence of vital-qi in the body can prevent the attack of

    pathogenic factors. Whenever pathogenic factors enter,there must be a deficiency of vital-qi.”

    「正氣存內,邪不可干,邪之所湊,其氣必虛。」 TCM Etiology and Disease Prevention

    ? Based on the essential principle of TCM pathophysiology,the causes of diseases can be generally divided into two

    categories :

    ? invasion of pathogenic factors (Evil-Qi)

    ? reduction of the body resistant capacity (Vital-Qi)

    ? Disease comes :

    ? The pathologenic factors are strong which can break the

    body defense system.

    ? The defense system is too weaken to resist the invasion of

    pathological factors.

    For instance, infection always companies with bacteria

    invasion due to the deficiency of immunological system. In

    TCM, it is viewed as the deficiency of Qi.

    How to improve health and prevent

    the diseases?

    ? Enhancing Vital-Qi is the key element for

    disease prevention.

    ? Ways to enhance Vital-Qi:

    ? Adjusting life style to follow the nature law.

    ? Modulation of mental status and Unity of

    Physique and Vitality

    ? Diet Regulation

    ?Exercises: Qi-Gong, Taiji and so on.




    論體系其核心思想: 正氣是健康之本 (正氣存

    內, 邪不可干)


    (1) 天人相應 (環境因素與發病的關係)

    (2) 形神合一(精神與情志因素與發病的關係)

    (3) 謹和五味 (飲食與疾病發生的關係)

    Session 1 Six Climatic Factors

    A. Six-qi (Six climatic forces六氣)

    The cycle of the four seasons affects the changes of the weather.

    Six qi, climatic forces - wind, cold, summer heat, dampness,dryness and fire, rotate to exercise domination on earth.

    B. Six climatic pathogenic factors (Six excessive or untimely

    climatic influences六淫)

    When the weather condition drastically changes, the six-qi(六氣)

    transforms to six pathogenic factors(六淫) able to attack

    weakened human body with low ability of resistance.

    Prevention of the happening of the six pathogenic factors:

    a. Follow the natural changes to adjust life style.

    b. Enhance the ability of resistance to keep the six pathogenic

    factors away from influence. 第一節 環境因素與發病的關係

    ? 人與自然環境息息相關,氣候變遷、地理




    ?《黃帝內經》: “天有四時五行﹐以生長收藏﹐以生寒暑

    燥濕風﹐人有五臟化五氣﹐以生喜怒悲恐驚” 六氣與六淫的轉化及養生防病


    包括風、寒、暑、濕、燥、熱、火等六種自然氣候條件, 四季的變遷、六氣相應的改變地球的環境,人類的進化已 經使人體適應了氣候的改變,而不會生病。


    六淫是指風、寒、暑、濕、燥、火六種邪氣。六淫是由六 氣變化而至﹐因非其時而有其氣或“六氣太過或不及”所 至。淫的意思是太過,當氣候發生劇烈改變時,人體不能適 應這種變化,因而生病,這種劇烈改變的氣候條件就是六 淫。

    ? 防病之道在於以下兩方面:

    a. 順應自然改變,調節生活起居。

    b. 增強人的體質,也就是扶正袪邪。 外感六淫致病特點

    Clinical Characteristics of Six climatic

    pathogenic factors

    1. Wind and Wind Syndromes

    ? “Wind” dominates in spring. In nature, Wind is gas flow with the

    characteristics of moving fast, quick changes and Wind at top of

    maintain is generally stronger than low ground.

    ? Accordingly, TCM theory used this concept to summarize the ......
