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    Learner's Character Dictionary of Chinese Medicine


    This dictionary is designed for student who is learning Chinese in order

    to be able to read Chinese medical literature.

    It addresses the student's difficulties in learning Chinese characters, namely

    the difficulty in analysing the structure of a characters, knowing what which

    element is its signific, and what order to write the strokes in.

    This dictionary contains just over 2,550 characters, arranged in Pin1yin1 order.

    For each character, the meaning the meaning, signific and stroke count are given.

    The stroke sequence is then provided in graphic form.

    Finally, example combinations in which the character appears (or starts with).

    are given.

    after an entry-head character that is of frequent use; marks a character of medium frequency.

    Fixed combinations: Certain characters always appear in combination with other

    characters, e.g., 螳螂 {tang2 lang2}, the mantis, and its egg-case, 螵蛸 {piao1 xiao1}.

    These fixed combinations are indicated under both characters in question.

    T a i w a n P R C D i f f e r e n c e s i n P r o n u n c i a t i o n

    跌 die1die2 髂 ka4qia4

    暫 zhan4zan

    肋 le4lei4

    錫 xi2xi1

    夕 xi4xi1

    期 qi2qi1

    突 tu2tu1

    凸 tu2tu1

    奄 yan1yan3

    癌 yan2ai2

    擊 ji2ji1


    See CDDIC.mac

    == A ==

    ~~ {a1} ~~

    【阿】 {a1} [Freq. 4] prefix to nicknames and titles of relatives (see also 阿 {e1}); interjection

    oh!, ouch! (see also 阿 {e1}); used in the transcription of foreign names (see also 阿 {e1}).

    阿狄森氏病 {a1 di2 sen1 shi4 bing4}, 西醫 Addison's disease

    阿耳茨海默氏病 {a1 er3 ci2 hai3 mo4 shi4 bing4}, 西醫 Alzheimer's disease

    阿爾泰紫菀 {a1 er3 tai4 zi3 wan3}, 中藥正名 Altai heteropappus (Heteropappi Altaici Flos seu


    阿膠 {a1 jiao1}, 中藥異名 ass hide glue (Asini Corii Colla)

    阿膠珠 {a1 jiao1 zhu1}, 中藥異名 ass hide glue pellets (Asini Corii Gelatini Pilula)

    阿利藤 {a1 li4 teng2}, 中藥正名 alyxia (Alyxiae Herba et Radix)

    阿米巴 {a1 mi3 ba1}, 西醫 ameba

    阿米巴腸炎 {a1 mi3 ba1 chang2 yan2}, 西醫 intestinal amebiasis

    阿米巴痢疾 {a1 mi3 ba1 li4 ji2}, 西醫 amebic dysentery

    阿米巴原蟲 {a1 mi3 ba1 yuan2 chong2}, 西醫 ameba

    阿是穴 {a1 shi4 xue2}, ouch point; a1-shi4 point

    阿魏 {a1 wei4}, 中藥異名 asafetida (Ferulae Resina)

    阿仙藥 {a1 xian1 yao4}, 中藥異名 cutch (Catechu) 阿育魏實 {a1 yu4 wei4 shi2}, 中藥正名 trachyspermum seed (Trachyspermi Semen)

    阿月渾子 {a1 yue4 hun2 zi3}, 中藥異名 pistachio (Pistaciae Verae Fructus)

    ~~ {ai1} ~~

    【哀】 {ai1} [Freq. 5] grief; lament (腹哀 {fu4 ai1}, Abdominal Lament (SP-16))

    【埃】 {ai1} [Freq. 4] dust.

    埃蕾 {ai1 lei3}, 中藥正名 centaury (Centaurii Altaici Herba cum Flore)

    ~~ {ai2} ~~

    【癌】 {ai2} [Freq. 4] rock (also pronounced {yan2}; same as 岩 {yan2}); 西醫 cancer (in

    Tai2wan2, also pronounced {yan2}).

    癌瘤 {ai2 liu2}, 西醫 cancer tumor

    ~~ {ai3} ~~

    【矮】 {ai3} [Freq. 4] short.

    矮呆病 {ai3 dai1 bing4}, 西醫 cretinism

    矮地茶 {ai3 di4 cha2}, 中藥異名 Japanese ardisia (Ardisiae Japonicae Herba)

    矮瓜 {ai3 gua1}, 中藥異名 eggplant (Solani Melongenae Fructus)

    矮腳白花蛇利草 {ai3 jiao3 bai2 hua1 she2 li4 cao3}, 中藥異名 oldenlandia (Oldenlandiae

    Diffusae Herba)

    矮腳苦蒿 {ai3 jiao3 ku3 hao1}, 中藥正名 conyza (Conyzae Herba)

    矮腳羅傘 {ai3 jiao3 luo2 san3}, 中藥正名 shaggy ardisia (Ardisiae Villosae Radix seu Herba)

    矮莖朱砂根 {ai3 jing1 zhu1 sha1 gen1}, 中藥正名 short-stemmed ardisia (Ardisiae Brevicaulis ......
