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    研究獎助 台大婦女與性別研究獎助 歷屆獎助名單查詢 緣起?說明?流程?相關心得

    學年度: 2007

    研究計畫名稱: 漢唐之間醫方中的房事疾病與性別

    研究者: 陳韻如

    學科: 歷史學

    學校系所: 臺灣大學歷史學研究所

    類別: 碩士論文

    完成日期: 2008-12

    指導教授: 李貞德(中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究員)

    論文目次: 口試委員會審定書 i

    誌謝 ii

    中文摘要 iii

    英文摘要 iv

    第一章 前言 1

    第一節 楔子:南朝褚澄答建平王問子 1

    第二節 研究概念與範圍界定 5

    第三節 疾病與性別的交會:文獻回顧 9

    第四節 章節安排 17

    第二章 方技之異──兩漢時期的房事疾病 19

    第一節 房中、醫經與經方的房事疾病 19

    第二節 倉公診籍的房事疾病分析 38

    第三章 男女漸別──六朝隋唐時期的房事疾病 52

    第一節 承繼與拓展:以房事失當為病源 52

    第二節 陰陽與氣血:男女皆得之房事疾病及其特色 59

    第三節 精與養生:男性房事疾病及其特色 70

    第四節 血與生育:女性房事疾病及其特色 84

    第四章 房事疾病與健康維護:以男性為主的考察 98

    第一節 房事疾病在醫學版圖的座標 98

    第二節 兩性的養生房中術比較 102

    第三節 縱欲男性的健康維護 108

    第五章 結論 115

    附錄一:《史記 扁鵲倉公列傳》倉公之房事疾病診籍釋義 122

    附錄二:漢唐之間醫方中的房事疾病療法表 129

    附錄三:本文引用醫方之成書年代與相應朝代對照表 138

    徵引書目 140

    中文摘要: 本文從房事行為失當造成的疾病入手,分析醫學如何詮釋與處理房事造


























    中文關鍵字: 性 ; 房中 ; 醫學 ; 身體 ; 養生 ; 生育

    英文摘要: This study analyzes how in Early Imperial China male authors of medical

    recipes interpreted and treated the coital disorders caused by improper coital

    behavior, thereby showing different meanings of coital behavior of males

    and of females.

    The primary difference between the coital disorders recorded in Han medical

    texts and in Medieval ones is that the former are divided into three branches

    of “recipes and techniques” (Fangji 方技) in Han, while the latter were

    divided into two parts corresponding to male and female bodies. In Han, the

    coital disorders recorded in medical canon 醫經 and empirical recipes 經方,two branches of recipes and techniques, lacked symptoms with gender

    characters, thus, not specifying patients’ gender. Only the bedchamber 房中,another branch, recorded particular male coital disorders and constructed the

    relevant theory of nourishing life, which emphasized prevention of losing the

    male essence 精 and manipulation of preserving and refining the male

    essence. However, in Medieval China, this difference of branches is not the

    most important factor in differentiating the coital disorders anymore. In

    addition, although the reason why coital behavior harms bodies is inherited

    from the Han medicine, the male coital disorders are gradually divergent

    from female ones in considerable aspects, including pathogenic situations,pathological mechanisms, symptoms, and relevant sexual fluids male

    essence and female blood.

    The gendering of the coital disorders in medieval China reflects that

    meanings of males’ coital behavior are different from those of females’ :

    men could use sexual arts of the bedchamber or medical recipes in order to ......
