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http://www.100md.com 《沈阳药科大学学报》 2000年第5期
     作者:王素娟 裴月湖

    单位:沈阳药科大学中药系,沈阳 110015


    沈阳药科大学学报000523 摘 要 桦木属植物主要含有三萜、黄酮、木脂素、二苯基庚烷等酚类.作者总结了近10年来的研究资料,对桦木属植物的化学成分作了综述.

    分类号 R932

    A Review on the Chemical Constituents of Betula L.

    Wang Sujuan, Pei Yuehu

    (Department of Chinese Traditional Medicines, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University,Shenyang 110015)
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    Abstract On the basis of 18 references in the recent decade, chemical constituents of Betula L. were reviewed in this paper,including triterpenoids, flavonoids, lignans, diarylheptanoids and other phenylics.

    Key words Betula L.;chemical constituents;triterpenoids;flavonoids;lignans;diarylheptanoids

    Fig.1 Ocotillol series

    桦木属(Betula L.)植物在世界上约100种,主要分布于北温带,少数分布至北极区内.我国共有29种,6个变种,全国各地均有分布,植物资源十分丰富.在我国民间,桦木皮及桦木汁用于治疗慢性气管炎等.1987年,N.D.Pokhin〔1〕等人已对桦木属中的三萜类成分作了综述.近年来日本学者又对其境内的桦木属植物的化学成分做了系统研究.作者拟对近年来桦木属植物化学成分的研究进展作一综述.桦木属植物中主要含有三萜、黄酮、木脂素、二苯基庚烷及其他酚性成分.
, 百拇医药
    1 三萜

    桦木属中的三萜类成分主要存在于树皮和树叶中,主要类型有Ocotollol型(见图1、表1)、达玛烷型(见图2、表2)、羽扇豆烷型和齐墩果烷型(见图3、表3).1~49为以上各类型化合物.日本学者还发现3种开环三萜betula-schmidtoside A(50)、ovalifoliolides A(51)和ovalifoliolides B(52)(见图4),并认为这是桦木属与赤杨属亲缘关系较近的又一佐证〔11,12〕.化合物53为自B.pendula叶中分得的一种降三萜(见图5)〔9〕.化合物54为自B.platyphlla var. japonica的腐烂树皮中得到的betulin的生物降解产物〔13〕(见图6).

    Fig.2 Four types of dammarane series

    Fig.3 Lupane and oleanane series
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    在这几类三萜中,3,11,12,17及25位常有羟基取代,其中3,11,12位羟基常被乙酰化,3位羟基还常被咖啡酸、香豆酸、丙二酸酰化,而其苷的种类较少,均为葡萄糖苷或乙酰葡萄糖苷.日本学者研究了3种白桦〔2,3,6〕,认为B.platyphylla var.japonica叶中具有3α-,12β-羟基的达玛烷型三萜,并可形成丙二酸酯,而B.errmanii叶中具有3β-,11α-羟基达玛烷型三萜,并形成葡萄糖苷.在B.platyphylla var.japonica〔6〕中,达玛烷型三萜存在于叶和根皮,树干部的树皮则没有;叶中的达玛烷型三萜具有3β-,12α-羟基,而树皮中的则只有3β-羟基,缺少12-羟基.

    Tab.1 Triterpenoids of ocotollol series No.


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    Source and literature


    3-Epiocotillol Ⅱ





    Leaves of B.maximowicziana〔2〕
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    Leaves of B.errmanii〔3〕


    Deacetoxypapyriferic acid

    α-OCO CH2OH




    Twigs of B.pendula,twigs of B.glandulosa〔4,5〕

, http://www.100md.com     7

    Papyriferic acid





    B.pendula Roth.,twigs of B.glandulosa,leaves B.platyphylla var. japonica〔4,5,6〕


    3β-Papyriferic acid

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    Root bark of B.pendula〔7〕







    Leaves of B.errmanii〔3〕
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    Leaves of B.errmanii〔3〕


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    Betulamaximobide A





    Leaves of B.maximowiziana〔2〕

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    Betulamaximobide B






    Ocotillol Ⅱ 3-O-caffeate





    Root bark of B.platyphylla var. japonica〔6〕
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    从B.alba〔14〕的叶中得到两种单萜苷betullabuside A(55)和betullabuside B(56).从B.platyphylla var.japonica〔6〕的叶中得到倍半萜caryophyllene oxide(57)(见图7),此化合物具有白桦叶的特殊香气.

    2 黄酮

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    Fig.4 Three seco-triterpenoids from Betula

    Tab.2 Triterpenoinds of dammarane series No.







    Source and literature

, 百拇医药
    Damar-24-en-3β,11α, 20(S)-triol






    Leaves of B.errmanii〔3〕


    Dammarenediol Ⅱ



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    Root bark of B.errmanii〔3〕







    Leaves of B. maximowicziana〔2〕


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    Dammarenediol Ⅱ 3-caffeate





    Root bark of B.maximowicziana, inner bark of B platyphylla var. japonica, root bark of B.errmanii〔2,3,6〕
, 百拇医药






    Root bark and leaves of B.pendula, leaves of B.platyphylla var.japonica〔2,7,8〕


    Dammarenediol Ⅱ3-O-coumarate
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    Inner bark of B.platyphylla var.japonica〔6〕


    Dammar-24-en-3β,11α,20(S)-triol 3-O-β-D-2-O-acetylglucopyranoside



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    Leaves of B.errmanii〔3〕


    Dammar-24-en-12-O-acteyl-3α,12β,17α,20(S)-tetraol 3-O-malonate





    Leaves of B.pendula〔8〕

, 百拇医药
    Dammar-23(E)en-12-O-acetyl-3α,12β,20(S),25-tetraol 3-O-malonate







    Dammar-24-en-3β,20(S),26-triol 3-O-caffeate


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    Root bark of B.pendula〔2〕


    Dammar-24-en-3β,20(S),26-triol 3-O-coumarate






, http://www.100md.com     12β,20(S)-Dihydroxy-dammar-24-en-3-one






    Leaves of B.platyphylla var.japonica,twigs of B.glandulosa〔3,4〕



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    12-O-Acetyl-3α,12β,20(S),24(R)-tetrahydroxydammar-25-en-3-yl hydrogen propanedioate




    Leaves of B.penndula〔9〕


    12-O-Acetyl-3α,12β,20(S),24(S)-tetrahydroxydammar-25-en-3-yl hydrogen propanedioate
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    12-O-Acetyl-3α,12β,17α,20(S),24(R)-pentahydroxydammar-25-en-3-yl hydrogen propanedioate





    Fig.5 A nortriterpenoid
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    from B.pendula

    Fig.6 A biodegradation

    production of betulin

    Fig.7 Monterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids form Betula

    3 木脂素、二苯基庚烷及其他酚类

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    Tab.3 Triterpenoids of lupane and oleanane No.






    Source and literature
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    Leaves of B.maximowicziana,outer bark of B.platyphylla var.japonica and B.errmanii〔2,3,6〕



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    Betulinic acid




    Outer bark of B.platyphylla var.japonica〔6〕



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    Lupeol caffeate




    Root bark of B.errmanii〔3〕


    Betulin caffeate

, 百拇医药     O-Caffeoyl



    Leaves of B.maximowicziana,inner bark of B.platyphylla var.japonica,bark of B.errmanii and B.pubescens〔2,3,6,10〕


    Pyracrenic acid



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    Bark of B.pubescens〔10〕


    3β,23-dihydroxy-lup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid 3β-O-caffeate





    Monogynol A


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    Inner bark of B.maximowicziana and B.errmanii〔2,3〕






    Leaves of B.maximowicziana〔2〕

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    Lpane-3β,20,28-triol 3β-O-caffeate










    Leaves of B.platyphylla var.japonica〔6〕
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    Oleanolic acid





    Outer bark of B.plataphylla var.japonica and B.errmanii〔3,6〕


    Acetyloleanoic acid


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    Leaves of B.maximowicziana and outer bark of B.platyphylla var.japonica〔2,6〕


    Oleanolic acid 3β-O-caffeate




    Root bark of B.maximowicziana and B.errmanii, bark of B.pubenscens〔2,3,10〕
, 百拇医药

    Erythrodiol 3β-O-caffeate




    Bark of B.pubenscens〔10〕



    olean-12-en-28-oic acid 3β-O-caffeate

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    olean-12-en-28-oic acid 23-caffeate




    Fig.8 Lignans and diarylheptanoids from Betula

    Fig.9 Other phenylics from Betula
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