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, 百拇医药


    最近10年广泛应用分子生物学技术和方法研究遗传性前列腺癌,通过检测肿瘤细胞的基因改变,可发现在某一位点上存在等位基因的丢失即“杂合性缺失”(loss of heterozygosity)。有研究发现15%的前列腺癌存在这种基因改变,有的发现甚至达75%。叧一方面在特定的亲属中某些癌基因中出现相同的变异,而构成这些位点的宻码具有遗传易感性。以上这些从分子水平说明了前列腺癌与遗传的关系。

, 百拇医药




, 百拇医药


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, 百拇医药
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, 百拇医药
    6.Gu FL, Xia TL, Kong XT. Preliminary study of the frequency of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatic cancer in China. Urology 1994,44:688-691

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, 百拇医药
    9.Boyle P, Napalkov P, Barry MJ et al: Epidemiology and natural history of prostate cancer. In: Murphy G, Denis L, Chatelain C et al (eds) Proceedings of The First International Consultation on Prostate Cancer, Monaco, S.C.I 1997:1-29

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, 百拇医药
    1 2.Lee MM, Wang RT, Hsing AW et al: Case-control study of diet and prostate cancer in China. Caner Causes and Control 1998,9:545-552

    13.Stanford JL, Damber JE, Fair WR et al: Epidemiology of prostate cancer. In: Murphy G, Khoury S, Partin A et al (eds) Prostate Cancer Paris, Health Publication Ltd, 1999:21-55

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    15.Albertsen P: Epidemiology of prostate cancer: an overview. In: Resnick MI, Thompson IM (eds) Advanced Therapy of Prostate Disease. Hamilton, B.C. Decker INC.2000: 1-23, 百拇医药
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