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http://www.100md.com 2004年2月29日 医学空间

    以往,医生常常建议患者应大量饮水以防止脱水,但澳大利亚昆士兰省大学的德马尔(Chris Del Mar)称,并没有足够的研究证明这是一项好建议。

    “我们发现,有数据表明,让呼吸道感染的患者大量喝水会造成伤害,”德马尔在《英国医学杂志》(British Medical Journal)上发表报告说。


, 百拇医药

    BMJ. 2004 Feb 28;328(7438):499-500.

    "Drink plenty of fluids": a systematic review of evidence for this recommendation in acute respiratory infections

    Michelle P B Guppy, Sharon M Mickan, Chris B Del Mar.

    Centre for General Practice, Medical School, University of Queensland, Herston, 4006, Queensland, Australia
, 百拇医药
    Doctors often recommend drinking extra fluids to patients with respiratory infections. Theoretical benefits for this advice are replacing insensible fluid losses from fever and respiratory tract evaporation, correcting dehydration from reduced intake, and reducing the viscosity of mucus. To many this advice is self evident and justified on the basis that even if the benefit is uncertain, or at best small, at least it is harmless. However, there are theoretical reasons for increased fluid intake to cause harm. Antidiuretic hormone conserves fluid by stimulating water reabsorption from the renal collecting ducts. Increased antidiuretic hormone secretion has been reported in adults and children with lower respiratory tract infections of bronchitis, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia of viral and bacterial aetiology. It is uncertain if this also occurs in upper respiratory tract infections. Several mechanisms have been proposed for this increased hormone secretion, acting through fever, hypoxia, hypercarbia, pain, emotion, or nausea. Secretion may be stimulated by a resetting of osmostat receptors to lower levels. Also, lung hyperinflation and pulmonary infiltrates may stimulate hormone secretion by causing a false perception of hypovolaemia by intrathoracic receptors. This would be in keeping with findings that antidiuretic hormone secretion in pneumonia increases proportionally with the extent of lung parenchymal involvement. Giving extra fluids while antidiuretic hormone secretion is increased may theoretically lead to hyponatraemia and fluid overload. Clinical symptoms of hyponatraemia are irritability, confusion, lethargy, coma, and convulsions. Fluid restriction may be appropriate management to prevent this., 百拇医药