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http://www.100md.com 2004年10月10日 本会
     上海第一人民医院分院神经科 (200081)



    VBI的诊断需要进行透露CT、MRI、MRA等检查。近来神经影像学的发展,对VBI的患病有了新的认识,有研究报道约40%的VBI者有脑干梗死。因此,VBI的概念已应用的越来越少,并被“后循环缺血”(posterior circulation ischaemia)概念所替代。
, 百拇医药


, 百拇医药     Is the concept “vertebrovascular insufficiency” still usefulness ?

    LI Yansheng

    Vertebrovascular insufficiency (VBI) describes a wide spectrum of clinical entities with a common pathophysiology that is a decreased blood flow through the arteries that supply blood to the base of the brain. This more commonly used term developed in the 1950s after Fisher introduced the term carotid insufficiency to describe TIAs of the anterior circulation, which frequently serve as the prodrome to carotid branch infarcts. Although carotid insufficiency has been dropped from common medical jargon, VBI persists as the term that encompasses all TIA syndromes of the posterior circulation.
, http://www.100md.com
    The brain stem is a focal point of neurologic activity, housing cranial nerves, the reticular activating system, and a series of ascending and descending neurosensory tracts. When this compact area of neurologic activity malfunctions as a result of impaired blood flow, several different but overlapping clinical syndromes can result. Symptoms of VBI include difficulty speaking clearly, nausea and vomiting, numbness, unsteadiness that causes the inability to stand or walk (ataxia),vertigo that begins suddenly, vision changes (such as vision loss, diplopia, or nystagmus),as well as weakness.
, http://www.100md.com
    Vertebrobasilar insufficiency is diagnosed using CT or MRI scans of the brain, and sometimes angiography, or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Recent developments in neuroimaging provide new perspectives about the disease's prevalence. Some studies utilizing MRI suggest that 40% of patients with vertebrobasilar TIAs have evidence of brainstem infarction.

    So the term of “vertebrovascular insufficiency” is used less recently and is replaced by the term “posterior circulation ischaemia”.
, http://www.100md.com
    However, VBI is being misused in China greatly, especially by the neurologists, family physicians, general internalists, geriatricians, and orthopedists. VBI is commonly diagnosed in adults and the elderly when there is isolate dizziness/vertigo and imaging evidence of cervical spondylosis by the presumption that spondylosis causing insufficient blood supply to ischaemia-sensitive vestibular nuclear resulting dizziness/vertigo (so called vertebrovascular insufficiency, just as its name implies). Most physicians don’t pay attention to obtaining detail history and do careful neurological examinations and wrongly believing that isolated dizziness/vertigo in adult and elderly are commonly caused by VBI but not peripheral vestibular disorders and psychiatric disorders. So much the worse, the possible cerebrovascular risk factors of the condition are not being extensively probed (MRI, MRA, CTA, DSA, etc), the condition is considered benign (not TIA or warning of stroke), and the drug treatment of VBI is not evidence-based (control cerebrovascular risk factors, aspirin, or anticoagulants).
, 百拇医药
    To thoroughly change the chaotic situation, effective measures should be adopted. First at all, national academic diagnostic criteria should be updated according to the evidences and the misleading term “vertebrovascular insufficiency” should be replaced by the term “posterior circulation ischaemia”. Secondly, national wild clinical database should be established. Thirdly, continue medical education programs with newly defined term should be promoted., 百拇医药(李焰生)