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http://www.100md.com 《实用医学进修杂志》 2000年第0期
     作者:郑刚 闵秀全

    单位:郑刚(湖北三峡学院医学院临床医学系96级05班 宜昌443001);闵秀全(附属医院儿科)



    摘 要 目的:分析新生儿窒息后器官损害的发生率、临床特点及窒息程度与器官损害间的关系。方法:对87例窒息新生儿按Apgar评分分为轻度窒息组及重度窒息组,并对两组临床资料作统计学分析。结果:①新生儿窒息后器官损害发生率为90.8%,其中脑为69.0%,心脏为42.5%,胃肠为33.3%,皮肤为27.9%,肺为21.8%,肾6.7%;②重度窒息组多器官损害发生率为78.0%,明显高于轻度窒息组的54.3%(χ2=5.39,P<0.05),重度窒息组重度器官损害所占百分比为78.4%,明显高于轻度窒息组的52.4%(χ2=5.81,P<0.05);③窒息程度对血钠、血钾、CO2CP的影响较小,但重度窒息组血钙平均值为1.89+0.37mmol/l,明显低于轻度窒息组的2.03+0.23mmol/l (t=1.94,P<0.05),重度窒息组低钙发生率为43.5%,高于轻度窒息组27.6%;④87例死亡8例(9.2%),其中轻度窒息组3例(6.5%),重度窒息组5例(12.2%)。结论:对重度窒息新生儿应及时发现器官损害,尤其是对心脏、脑损害,积极采取对策,同时加强对低钙血症的治疗,防止器官损害数目增多或程度加重,对改善预后至关重要。
, 百拇医药
    Infulence of Different Nenatal Asphyxia Levels

    on the Level and Incidence of Organ Damage

    Zheng Gang

    Speciality of Clinical Medicine,Hubei Three

    Gorges University Medical College, Yichang 443001

    Abstract Objective:To analyse the incidence and clinical features of organ involvement of neonatal asphyxia and relaionship between the level of asphyxia and the level of organ involvement.Methods: Separate 87 cases into mild asphyxia group and severe asphyxia group by Apgar`s score. And analyse clinical data of two groups by statics methods.Results:①The incidence of organ involvement is 90.8%,and brain is 69.0%, heart is 42.5% , gastrointestin is 33.3%, skin is 27.9% , lung is 21.8%, kidney is 6.7%.②The incidence of mutiple organ involvement of severe asphyxia group is 78.0%, is signficantly higer than that of mild asphyxia group (54.3%, χ2=5.39, P<0.05). The percentage of severe organ involvement of severe asphyxia group is 78.4%, is signficantly higer than that of mild asphyxia group (52.4%,χ2=5.81, P<0.05).③The influence of asphyxia levels on blood kalium、blood natrium and CO2CP is very little . But the average blood calcium of severe asphyxia group is 1.89±0.37mmol/l , is signficantly lower than that of mild asphyxia group (2.03±0.23mmol/l , t=1.94, P<0.05) .The incidence of hypocalcemia of severe asphyxia group is 43.5%, higer than that of slight asphyxia group (27.6%) .④8 cases of the total were dead (9.2%). 3 cases came from slight asphyxia group (6.5%) and 5 cases came from severe asphyxia group (12.2%).Conclusion:It`s necessory to find the organ involvement especially the involvement of brain and heart of severe neonatal asphyxia timely . Adopt postive measures and streugthen the treatment on hypocalcemia , prevent the number and the level of organ involvement from rising . The above measures are very important for improving the prognosis of severe nenatal asphyxia .
, 百拇医药
    Key Words newborn; asphyxia; mutiple organ involvement

    新生儿窒息发病率高,可致多器官损害甚至多器官衰竭,病死率高,是新生儿死亡的主要原因 ,为了提高对窒息后器官损害的认识,探讨窒息程度与器官损害的关系,对我院近5年收治的87例新生儿窒息作了初步分析,现报道如下:

    1 临床资料

    1.1 一般资料

    87例中男52例,女35例;早产儿36例,足月儿50例,过期产儿1例;出生体重小于1500g3例,~2500g22例,~4000g 61例,大于4000g 1例;出生后经Apgar评分:轻度窒息46例,重度窒息41例。87例分娩时宫内窘迫42例;羊水II。污染9例,III。污染14例,偏少2例;脐带绕颈15例,受压4例,脱垂1例;产程延长15例;胎膜早破10例;前置胎盘7例,早剥2例;双胎5例、母有妊高征5例,产伤13例。
, 百拇医药
    1.2 诊断依据


    1.3 统计学处理


    1.4 结果

    1.4.1 各器官损害发生率(见表1) 重度窒息组除肺、肾损害发生率低于轻度窒息组外,其它器官损害发生率均高于轻度窒息组。各器官损害发生率依次为脑(69.0%) 心脏,(42.5%),胃肠(33.3%),皮肤(27.9%),肺(21.8%),肾(5.7%)。各器官重度损害发生率依次为肺(62.3%),脑(60.0%),胃肠(20.7%),肾(20.0%),皮肤未见重度损害。重度窒息组脑、心脏、胃肠、肾重度损害所占百分比均高于轻度窒息组。
, http://www.100md.com
    表1 不同窒息程度新生儿器官损害发生率与程度 损害




    合 计(n=87)







, 百拇医药













, 百拇医药     例数













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, 百拇医药     0













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, 百拇医药     22.7













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    1.4.2 不同窒息程度器官损害数目与程度(见表2) 重度窒息组多器官损害发生率高于轻度窒息组,重度窒息组发生多器官损害32例(占78.0%),轻度窒息组发生多器官损害25例(占54.3%),两组间有显著性差异(χ2=5.39,P<0.05)。重度窒息组29例发生重度器官损害(百分比占78.4%)轻度窒息组22例发生重度器官损害(百分比占52.4%),两组间有显著性差异(χ2=5.81,P<0.05)。 表2 不同窒息程度器官损害个数与程度 器官损





, 百拇医药












, 百拇医药













, 百拇医药     52.4













, 百拇医药     1.4.3 窒息程度对代谢的影响(见表3) 窒息程度对血钾、血钠、血镁及CO2CP影响较小( P值均小于0.05),但对血钙影响较大,轻度窒息组血钙均值为2.03±0.23mmol/l,重度窒息组为1.89±0.37mmol/l,两组差有异有显著性差异(t=1.94,P<0.05)。重度窒息组低钙发生率为43.5%,明显高于轻度窒息组的27.6%。 表3 窒息程度对代谢的影响







, 百拇医药













, http://www.100md.com     CO2CP












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, 百拇医药



    1.4.4 死亡原因分析 87例死亡8例(占9.2%),轻度窒息组3例,其中死于中枢性呼衰竭2例,肺出血1例;重度窒息组5例,其中死于中枢性呼衰竭3例,肺出血及坏死性小肠结肠炎各1例。

    2 讨论

, 百拇医药




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