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http://www.100md.com 《沈阳药科大学学报》 2000年第0期
     作者:王焕 江晓君 满羽

    单位:王焕(鞍钢铁东医院药剂科,鞍山 114002);江晓君(武警辽宁总队医院药剂科,沈阳 110026);满羽(中国医科大学第一临床学院药剂科,沈阳 110001)


    沈阳药科大学学报00zk08 摘 要 采用硫醇汞盐紫外分光光度法测定尿中羟氨苄青霉素的含量.方法回收率为(99.1±1.25)%,相对标准差为1.26%(n=6),线性范围6~60 μg/mL,日内、日间变异系数小于2.01%和2.94%,结果令人满意.

    分类号 R914.1

    A Study on the Determination of the Content of Amoxicillin in Urine
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    Wang Huan, Jiang Xiaojun, Man Yu

    (The Tiedong Hospital of An′gang,Anshan 114002)

    Abstract The determination of amoxicillin in urine by UV-spectrophotometry has been developed in this paper. The mean recovery and RSD were(99.1±1.25)% and 1.26%(n=6), respectively. The linearity of amoxicillin was from 6~60 μg.mL-1, and the validations of inter-day and intra-day were less than 2.01% and 2.94%, respectively.
, 百拇医药
    Key words UV-spectrophotometry;Amoxicillin;pharmacokinetics


    1 材料与方法

    1.1 仪器与试剂

    日本岛津-260型分光光度计(日本岛津),WFZ 800-D2型分光光度计(北京第二光学仪器厂),pH-25型酸度计,586型计算机.羟氨苄青霉素对照品(中国药品生物制品检定所提供),羟氨苄青霉素胶囊(试验制剂,批号:980809),羟氨苄青霉素胶囊(对照制剂,深圳华南制药有限公司提供,批号:990801).其它试剂均为分析纯.
, 百拇医药
    1.2 供试液的配制

    羟氨苄青霉素标准液(0.6 mg/mL):取羟氨苄青霉素对照品约0.15 g,精密称定,置250 mL量瓶中,加水溶解并稀释至刻度,摇匀,即得,置冰箱中保存.

    硼酸缓冲液(pH 9.0):称取硼酸1.24 g,加水180 mL溶解后,加0.1 mol/L氢氧化钠溶液调pH至9.0,再用水稀释至200 mL,摇匀,即得.

    醋酐乙腈溶液:取醋酐1 mL,加乙腈至50 mL,摇匀,即得.

    咪唑溶液:取用苯精制过的咪唑8.25 g,加水60 mL溶解后,加盐酸(6 mol/L)8.3 mL,在搅拌下滴加0.27%二氯化汞溶液10 mL,调节pH值6.8±0.05,用水稀释至100 mL,滤过,摇匀,即得.

    1.3 测定方法
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    精密吸取羟氨苄青霉素标准液或尿液适量,置50 mL量瓶中,加水稀释至刻度,摇匀,精密量取5.0 mL,置25 mL量瓶中,加硼酸缓冲液2.5 mL,醋酐乙腈溶液0.25 mL,放置5 min后,加咪唑溶液至刻度,摇匀,置60℃水浴中,加热30 min,取出、冷却.以水5.0 mL代替尿样,同法操作为空白,于325 nm处测定.

    1.4 尿样的采集

    男性健康自愿受试者6人,年龄22~24周岁,体重54~65 kg,随机分为两组,每组3人.试验前两周不得服用任何药物,前三天统一进标准餐、标准饮料,晨起空腹交叉服药(试验制剂含羟氨苄青霉素1.5 g,对照制剂含羟氨苄青霉素0.5 g),服药后2 h进标准餐,每次采样后饮温水100 mL,于服药后0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0,4.0,6.0,8.0 h采集尿液,量取体积后过滤,测定.

    2 结果与讨论
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    2.1 测定条件的选择

    精密吸取羟氨苄青霉素标准液两份2.5 mL,置50 mL量瓶中,其中一份加入空白滤过尿液1.0 mL,另取1.0 mL空白滤过尿液,按“1.3”项下操作,于250~400 nm间分别绘制吸收光谱,选取325 nm处测定时,空白尿液不干扰.

    2.2 标准曲线的绘制

    精密吸取羟氨苄青霉素标准液0.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,5.0 mL,分置50 mL量瓶中,按“1.3”项下操作,得回归方程为A=0.009 487+0.065 28C,r=0.999 2,线性范围为6~60 μg/mL,每隔30 min测定一次,结果表明:吸收度在2 h内不变.

    2.3 回收率试验

    取1.0 mL空白滤过尿液6份,分别精密加入羟氨苄青霉素标准液一定量,混匀,按“1.3”项下操作,测得回收率结果见表1.
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    Tab.1 Recovery of amoxicillin in urine Amount added/μg.mL-1

    Amount found/μg.mL-1


    Average recovery/%





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    2.4 精密度试验

    精密吸取羟氨苄青霉素标准液0.5,2.5,5.0 mL分置于50 mL量瓶中,依次加入1.0 mL空白滤过尿液,做日内、日间精密度试验,结果见表2.Tab.2 The precision determination of amoxicillin in urine Added/μg.mL-1


    Day to day

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    2.5 羟氨苄青霉素胶囊药动学参数的测定

    精密吸取采集的过滤尿样1.0 mL,置50 mL量瓶中,按“1.3”项下操作,测得的数据应用实用药代动力学计算程序(3p87,中国药理学会数学药理专业委员会),由计算机自动计算,判断羟氨苄青霉素在人体内动态经时过程为单室模型,权重系数为1/C2,计算得出羟氨苄青霉素胶囊试验制剂与对照制剂药代动力参数见表3,4.Tab.3 Pharmacokinetic parameters of the test amoxicillin capsules No.
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    0.453 7

    1.289 4

    0.537 6

    1.527 8

    1.249 8

    1416.717 4

    5 505.315 4


    0.202 4

    0.218 6

    3.170 2

    3.424 2
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    4.752 1

    207.732 5

    2 685.414 1


    0.545 9

    0.680 2

    1.019 0

    1.269 8

    1.637 8

    996.241 5

    4 462.091 8

, 百拇医药
    0.252 2

    0.391 8

    1.769 1

    2.748 8

    3.155 8

    303.700 3

    2 669.124 0


    0.418 5

    0.462 9

    1.497 4

    1.656 2
, 百拇医药
    2.271 1

    706.577 9

    4 367.511 7


    0.297 2

    0.336 4

    2.060 4

    2.332 5

    3.160 7

    332.358 4

    2 860.994 1

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    0.361 6

    0.563 2

    1.675 6

    2.159 9

    2.704 6

    660.554 6

    3 758.408 4






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    1 188.37

    Tab.4 Pharmacokinetic parameters of the control amoxicillin capsules No.






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    0.625 2

    0.665 2

    1.042 0

    1.108 7

    1.550 4

    295.619 5

    1 246.462 9
, 百拇医药

    0.462 8

    0.472 6

    1.466 5

    1.497 9

    2.138 2

    180.528 8

    1 049.335 9


    0.459 4

    0.474 7

    1.460 1
, 百拇医药
    1.508 7

    2.141 2

    397.849 7

    2 315.906 2


    0.438 1

    0.442 2

    1.567 6

    1.582 2

    2.272 1

    241.502 3

    1 491.578 1
, 百拇医药

    0.574 6

    0.616 2

    1.124 9

    1.206 3

    1.680 2

    461.218 4

    2 107.832 0


    0.284 9

    0.302 0

    2.294 9
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    2.433 0

    3.408 6

    133.642 1

    1 238.781 3


    0.474 2

    0.495 5

    1.492 7

    1.556 1

    2.198 4

    285.060 2

    1 574.982 8
, 百拇医药









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    收稿日期:2000-03-19, 百拇医药