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http://www.100md.com 《中国循环杂志》 1999年第0期
     作者:袁义强 刘怀霖 李靖

    单位:河南省,郑州市第七人民医院 郑州市心血管病研究所(450006)


    目的 目的:探讨射频导管消融术(RFCA)房室结慢径终点、快径前向传导功能与心动过速复发三者的关系。


, 百拇医药

    A Retrospective Study of Correlation among Ends of Radiofreqency Atrioventricular Node Modification, Conduction Function of Fast Pathway and Recurrence Rate (Abstract)

    Cardiovasular Institute, The Seventh Hospital of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou (450006), He′nan

    Yuan Yiqiang, Liu Huailing, Li Jing.
, 百拇医药
    Objective: To study the correlation among ends of radiofreqency catheter ablation (RFCA) of slow pathway of atrioventricular node, forward conduction function of fast pathway and recurrence rate of tachycardia.

    Methods: Seventy-one patients, who had identified atrioventricular node reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) by systemic electrophysiological examination and RFCA, were classified into three groups: ① Group A, 41 patients with slow pathways completely disappeared after atrioventricular node modification; ② Group B, 16 patients with slow pathways still remained, but no atrial echo; ③ Group C, 14 patients had slow pathway and atrial echo. The ends of slow pathway ablation, conduction function of atrioventricular node fast pathway and recurrence rate were studied retrospectively.
, http://www.100md.com
    Results: ① Groups A and B: Functional refractory period and effective refractory period obviously shortened after slow pathway ablation, no tachycardia reoccurred during follow-up; ② Group C: Functional refractory period and effective refractory period showed no obvious shortening after slow pathway ablation, tachycardia reoccurred in 5 patients during follow-up.

    Conclusion: Dual atrioventricular node pathways are two pathways related to each other and slow pathway probablely inhibit conduction function of the fast pathway. AVNRT modification should have the end without slow pathway, if slow pathway remains, the modification should have the end without atrial echos or obviously improved conduction function of the fast pathway., http://www.100md.com