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http://www.100md.com 2002年10月7日 《现代护理报》2002.10.07
     手术室护士和手术技师掌握了基础原理和概念才能为进入手术室的所有病人提供基本的护理。然而有许多手术要求护理人员具备更多的知识才能有效地保障病人的安全。科学技术的发展使手术的复杂性有了变化,并将继续发生变化。护士和技师必须熟悉从最简单的到最复杂的用品及设备的使用、保管和操作。q/#s*, 百拇医药

    Knowledge of basic principles and concepts prepares the OR nurse and surgical technologist torender basic nursing care to all patients who enter the operating room.Many operative procedures,however,require additional knowledge and understanding if nursing personnel are to function effectively in the best interest of patient safety. Advancement sinscientific technology have changed,and will continue to change,the complexity of operations. The nurse and technologist must be familiar with the use, care and handling of the simplest to the most sophisticated supplies and equipment.