当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 > 1999年第1期
MEBO与SD-Ag治愈烧伤160例 之治疗护理分析
http://www.100md.com 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 1999年第1期
     山东省荷泽地区人民医院(274000) 郭爱菊

    〔摘 要〕 我院近年来在烧伤SD-Ag治疗的基础上,实施了湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)治疗。本文取160例烧伤病人分为两组,各80例烧伤面积大致相当、深度大致相同的病人进行治疗护理综合分析对比,其结果差异较大,MEBO明显优于SD-Ag疗法。

    〔关键词〕 烧伤 MEBO SD-Ag 治疗 护理分析

    Therapeutic Nursing Analysts of 160 Cases of Burn with MEBO And SD-Ag Treatment Guo Aiju People′s Hospital, Heze Prefecture, Shandong Province 274000

    〔Abstract〕 MEBO has been used on the base of SD-Ag treatment of burn in our hospital these years.We picked 160 patients with the area and depth of burn rouhly the same at random,80,with SD-Ag and 80,with moist treatment.A therapeutic nursing combined analysis was made andthe resuit showed that MEBO was far better SD-Ag than treatment.

    〔Key words〕 Burn MEBO SD-Ag therapeutic nursing analysis

    自1994年来 ......

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