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http://www.100md.com 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 1998年第2期
     陕西中医学院附属医院(712000) 马栓全

    内容摘要 烧伤创面运用中医药外治法越来越受到烧伤工作者重视,然其理论未成体系,临证难成规范。本文认为烧伤后出现的“热毒”与“火毒”征象是烧伤后病情演变过程中的病理产物,并非烧伤的直接致病因素。烧伤的病理是由于肌肤遭受热损伤后,伤区经络阻塞、气滞血瘀、气血不通而致创面疼痛;气血津液输布失常、津液聚积或不循常道溢于脉络之外致创面渗出、肿胀、水泡;气血瘀滞、水湿淤积,淤久化热、热胜肉腐而成疮脓、即形成溃疡;认为烧伤创面由伤造成瘀、由淤化热、热胜肉腐成疡。由溃疡达到创面治愈的病理演变过程。故提出总的治则:以活血止痛而治伤,以清热解毒、祛腐生肌而治疮的认识。临床实践证实,湿性疗法符合烧伤创面组织修复的生理条件和规律,是较为理想的疗法。

    关键词 中医 烧伤创面 病理


    The Pathological View and Treating Principle of Burn Wound of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Ma Shuanguan Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi Chinese Medical College 712000

    Abstract Chinese medicine considers fire toxin and heat toxin as the products formed after pathological changes post burn,but not the original pathogenic factors.After thermal injury,a series of pathological changes happens including channel blockage,stagnancy of qi and blood stasis.The flow of blood and qi is blocked and pain is produced.Abnormal distribution and overflow of body fluid in the burn area result in wound seepage,swelling and blister.Stagnancy of qi and blood stasis produce evil heat.excessive heat brings about slough and running sore or ulcer.Based on this pathological view,the treating principle of Chinese nedicine emphasizes the importance of promoting blood circulation and removal of stagnancy and stasis and relieving pain,to cure thermal injury as well as clearing away the heat and toxins,removing slough and promoting granulation,to cure the sores.MEBT is in compliance with this principle and its treatment meets the requirements of the physiological condition for wound repair.Therefore,MEBT is a good therapeutic method. ......

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