当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 > 1998年第2期
http://www.100md.com 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 1998年第2期
     四川省宣汉县人民医院(636150) 王 燕

    内容摘要 本文通过我院1992年1月开始采用湿润暴露疗法及湿润烧伤膏治疗由不同原因致不同部位烧伤病员共72例护理体会,作者根据一般护理,创面护理,心理护理做了详细叙述,并对反应性精神病的护理做了介绍,文章还证实了恰当的护理对创面的修复起着重要作用。

    关键词 湿润暴露疗法 烧伤 护理

    Nursing of Burn Patients Treated with MEBT Wang Yan People's Hospital,Xuanhan County,Sichuan Province 636150

    Abstract 72 cases of burn were treated with MEBT/MEBO.In this paper,the author introduced his experience in nursing the patients.It includes general nursing work,wound nursing,psychological nursing and nursing of those with reactive psychosis.The author concluded that good nursing played an important role in the repair of the wounds.

    Key words MEBT burn Nuesing

    我院是一所地处偏远山区的县级综合医院 ......

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