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http://www.100md.com 2005年1月31日 《中国医药报》2005.01.31
     店员:您好,你需要点什么?-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    Hello, what can I do for you?-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    顾客:请给我一盒去痛药。-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    Please give me a package of pain-killer.-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    店员:布洛芬可以吗?它的去痛效果较好。-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    How about Ibuprofen?It has good effect on pain-relieving.-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    顾客:好的,我用过,请给我一盒。-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    That''s OK. I used to have it before. Please give me one package.-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    店员:给您。-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    Here you are.-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    顾客:有小包装的吗?-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    Do you have small package?-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    店员:对不起,已经卖完了,过几天就会有了。-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    Sorry, the small package ones have been sold out already. Would you like waiting for a few days?-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    顾客:那吃不完的怎么办?-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    What can I do with the medicine that''s left?-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    店员:您将瓶盖拧紧,放在阴凉、干燥的地方就可以了。-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    Please screw the bottle cap tight and keep it in dry and cool places.-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    顾客:谢谢。-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    Thank you.-a]|4h{, 百拇医药

    英文知识:-a]|4h{, 百拇医药
